Thursday, May 30, 2013

pancake breakfast 2013

My husband's Fire Department hosts a pancake breakfast every year. The kids love it. There are pony rides, bouncy houses, a playground, pancakes and free fire engine rides. It really is fun for the whole family! Here are a couple of snap shots from this year.

More often than not, this is what I get when I yell, "Look at mommy!"

I don't even remember taking this shot but I'm so glad I did :-)

Nice recovery.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


There is a rather large gap between my April and May posts. That is because my body is not my own these days. It has been taken over by a tiny life sucker also known as a baby. My last two pregnancies were great. I felt energetic and happy and so sad for those poor saps who had awful pregnancies. I would tell my husband, "I'm so blessed!" And he would agree. He has always said he had more pregnancy symptoms than I did. Well, not this time. We are both miserable because let's face it, when Mom's not happy, everyone suffers. 

I love this picture. Mya took it a few days ago and it is the perfect picture of how I've felt for the last few months. Blurry, tired, sick and irritated. I've spent most of my days on the couch, getting up only when I'm needed... to prevent injury or break up a fight. That's okay though. The 2nd trimester is just around the corner and I have big plans. Laundry, bathing and cooking dinner are at the top of my list.

grandma's granola

I have mixed emotions about this picture. It happened a week ago. And then, I was furious but felt the need to take a picture anyway. This is home made granola from my mom who so generously sent us home with a large bag of it. And this is where it ended up. I would have tried to save some of it but the dogs got to it. So not only is it on my dirty floor that hasn't been mopped in who knows how long. But it is also covered in dog saliva. I do love the expression on Winter's face though. It seems to say, don't make eye contact and look really cute.