Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November stuff

Winter came home very excited about this last week. 

Mya: MOM! Winter got an award!! A parti... ssssomething one!! 
Me: Participation
Winter: What's participation?
Me: Ummm that they really liked your lady bug. (lie)
Winter: *Giant smile*

Thanksgiving at the firestation. 
This is the easiest thanksgiving for me. I just show up with the kids and get fed by the talented firefighter chefs and the kids have a blast. 

Addie's 4th birthday! 
She's getting old enough to really appreciate her birthday and she knows what's going on and doesn't expect a whole lot. This year we went to Chuck E. Cheese for an hour or so. Then we had a "party" with cake and ice cream back at the house. It was basically a trip to vons for cake and balloons and some of the kids in the neighborhood came over after dinner. Doesn't get much easier. 

Mya is still terrified of Chuck the giant mouse but we talked to one of the employees who told her that she was actually the one who would wear the costume and she would tell us before she came out. It was super nice of her. So Mya hid in a booth with Dan and the mouse threw some tickets at the kids and everyone was happy.

This ride was broken and kept going by itself so the kids took full advantage.

(Mya trying to get Angus to look at the camera)

She begs me to ride in this cart every time we go to Vons and I always say no. It's a pain and oh so noisy.
So she was super excited about it.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Angus wasn't planned. We knew we'd probably go for number four eventually, just not right away like we did with Mya and Winter. God had a different plan. But these two are just the most fun pair. They make me laugh all the time. I love how agreeable Angus is when Addie bosses him around. I love how he runs away with her toys 20 times a day just to hear that high pitched scream we hate so much. I love how excited and loud they make each other. And they have the best conversations in the car. I wish I had a video set up at all times. I love that Addie talks to him in a high voice like he's half her size. I love that he outweighs her. I love it that he calls her Ayee. I love them together.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

black and white october

 Branching out from vacuums, and washing dishes to actual toys. And he smiling for the camera… Who is this guy?

Dan's fish cupboard under the stairs. It's a whole nother world under there.

Matching. One of Mya's great loves. As a little sis, Addie gets suckered into doing all kinds of things. 

Addie's new smile. This is what she does now when the camera is pointing at her. But it doesn't matter. Like any good mom would, I just keep taking them. 

Stuck in a girls' world. Pun intended.

Addie and Angus beg me to go to Target daily. I hate to disappoint them so I go pretty much daily. 

We attended a little pumpkin hunt playdate. Pretty cute. Each kid was told they could find one pumpkin. Good thing I bought four. 

Ever since we inherited this little lego bus from a friend, it has been the most popular ride in town. We had some friends over with three girls and one baby boy, just like us. 

Whenever Angus poops he tells me a poooooooped ow ow ow ow. It doesn't really hurt but it gets me to change him for some reason. 

Comparing height. Pretty much even now. 

Most likely Winter's last year of soccer. She kind of hates it except for the snacks they give out after each game. I may make her play again next year. We'll see. They have two more games. And yes, I do know the shin guards go under the socks and so do they. 

Those crazy middle kids. 

A Halloween puppet show. Why not? 

Halloween was fun. We had a neighborhood block party with pizza, candy and the Dodger game playing on the garage door at the neighbor's house across the street. Angus went trick-or-treating for the first time. He would go up to the door and say hiiiiii. And they would give him a candy and he would say "TWOOOO?" And they'd give him another one. And he'd walk away and say "dank yoooooouuu" 

Dan the gunfighter, Mya the unicorn, Addie as Rainbow Dash, Winter the Jaguar and Angus the firefighter. And since everyone dressed up, I put on a black wig and wore black and orange so I wasn't totally the Halloween Scrooge. Mya totally thought it was my real hair.