Friday, December 1, 2017

black and white november

Sister selfie.

5:45 AM lego session. Compliments of Daylight savings. This lasted about 5 minutes before the screaming started. Mya and Winter usually take a long time building amazing lego castles and Addie and Angus usually take a short time destroying them.

It's so nice having older siblings so I don't have to chase after the littles in the church parking lot every Sunday.

Having a serious conversation about Peppa Pig with Addie on the curb.

Early morning kitchen huddle. Mya is rarely wearing clothes in the morning. She starts out in jammies but she's on the top bunk so throughout the night she strips it all off and usually winds up in her underwear. 

Cousins came to visit! Angus is like, too many girls. I'm out.