Saturday, September 28, 2019

best lady and worst mom ever

Things are still nuts around here and I'm definitely still behind on life. The kids are eating mac and cheese for dinner in plastic bowls in the living room in front of the TV. 

BUT one major triumph this week has been tackling the toys once again. I filled two large bins and a trash bag with stuff I intend to donate. I'll give the kids a month or two to realize that stuff is gone, then it's out of my life forever. If they don't see it, they usually don't think about it. Fingers crossed.

Angus likes the new floors. He has an impressive farmer's tan happening on his thighs.

Auntie Wendy sent us some fun things in the mail.

Angus said the sweetest thing to me the other day. It will for sure melt your heart.
He looked at me and said, "You're my best lady. I just keep on loving you."

I know. That's why he's still my favorite even though he tortures me daily with irrational 4-year-old behavior. 

If I'm being honest, they're all my favorite. I tell them all that too. 

This is Addie doing homework:
"This is the best coloring job I'm doing. I'm so good at writing my name, see? That is the PERFECT E! 

Addie's Addie. It doesn't get much cuter than a tiny little firecracker like her. She still yells at me regularly but not as much as she did when she was four. She just has a lot of feelings that are so very hard to contain. And I'm her safe person. She can be 100% angry or 100% excited and she knows I'm going to love her anyway. She behaves really well at school. At least that's what she tells me.

I made the mistake of taking her to the post office with me after I picked her up from school last week. She wanted to go home and play, not go to the boring old post office. We walked inside and I walked to the right where the line formed. She walked to the left over by the mailboxes and folded her arms and glared at me. I let her stand there for a while until a few more people walked in and blocked my view of her. So I said loudly in a stern voice, "Addie come here." She replied, in the very echo-y building, "UUUGGH! You're the worst mom EVER!!" Everyone looked at her with a very surprised and impressed expression on their faces. I then said through clenched teeth, "GET OVER HERE." To which she replied, "UGH FINE!"

A well meaning stranger behind me bent down to show her pictures of her dog. I cringed, knowing what was coming. Addie rolled her eyes, grunted and turned her back on the stranger. I laughed sheepishly and told her not to be rude, which did nothing of course. 

Without having children with such personality, one might really judge a mom who's child acts like that in public. I swear we discipline her regularly and firmly correct her when she's being a jerk. It's just not that simple. She is who she is. And if I'm being honest, I love her feisty attitude more than I don't. 
Just know that if your kid acts like that in front of me, I will not judge you. Promise.

Winter is also my favorite. She told me Sunday that she wants to be baptized. Wonderful news of course. But then she plugged her ears the entire way to school yesterday because I was playing "church music" on Pandora. 

Mya, another favorite, decided to play cello this year. Cello. Yeah the giant string instrument. Her teacher and Dan and I tried to talk her out of it. Her teacher said it would be really hard switching from the violin to the cello AND missing two weeks of school to go to the beach. He pretty much said that it was a very bad idea and she shouldn't do it. 

She basically said, I want to play the cello, period... in a nice Mya way of course. And guess what. She came back from the beach, practiced with some fellow cello playing friends and is totally caught up and doing great. She wanted her teacher to be more impressed, but was still happy with herself for proving everyone wrong. Go grrrl.

Addie and Winter received a couple of bags of Barbie things from a friend to add to their already overflowing collection. They were excited.

These may be the best thrift store find yet. Winter's new shoes. Sparkly AND leopard print. That pretty much sums up her style. She was ecstatic.

Some people think taking pics of their unconscious children is creepy but I think they are some of my favorite pictures. Winter loves sleeping with eye masks. I've never even tried. It sounds terrible.

Angus didn't like the pink sheet he was sleeping on I guess...

And look how cute.  

Mom's still with us for a week or so. Since I'm "home-schooling" Angus this year, we took a little trip to Descanso Gardens because we love it there. 

It's not going great with the learning. 
Me: Angus, the B says?
Angus: AAhhh! 
Me: No, that's the A.
Angus: Oh, yeah.

And later reading him a book about the letter L, (pointing to a picture of a lady) 
Me: This is a...LLL LLL
Angus: HUMAN!
Then I pointed to a picture of lace and said, "This is LLL LLL..."
Angus: Spider Web!

In his defense I did read the first three pages thinking the L was an I. But it kind of does look like an I. I wondered why the little Boy with an I on his shirt was collecting all the things starting with L. Normally I'm pretty smart for the record.

Good luck to his Kindergarten teacher.

Our neighborhood pool is still heated. Let me know if you're in the area and you want to swim! 

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Newport 2019

We're back from the beach. Dan and I are still on Vacation mode. I think the kids are too. They've been emotional and out of it. I forgot to pick up Addie from school yesterday and Dan had to reschedule a doctor's appointment he forgot to go to. Oh and he poured some coffee onto an upside down mug and made a mess this morning. Like it or not, we are full speed back into real life, but I thought I'd post all the pics from the beach. I don't find looking at other people's vacation pics extremely interesting so I always get a little weird about posting mine, but I can't leave them out now can I. 

This was our eighth and last year taking the kids out of school for two weeks to stay at our favorite beach house in Newport. With Mya going into Junior High next year, there's no way she can miss two weeks, let alone one day from what I've heard. Plus homework with the big girls at the beach is kind of ridiculous. It's getting harder and harder and I'm starting to have to teach them concepts. I din't sign up for home school. I don't think Winter and I have enough patience for each other to do that. 

So, we extra enjoyed this trip since we knew it would be the last one of it's kind. We may go back around Spring break or Thanksgiving break to stay for a few days. The weather is always so amazing in September though, so it wouldn't be quite the same. 

Sand crab and seashell searching.

Take a picture of my fort! Can I see it? I bet it's VERY cute.

Addie couldn't believe I put her in time out at the beach.

Taking sun screening to a whole new level.

Winter is a lover of unpredictable things like horses, small children and the ocean.

Dan's favorite part of the trip is always the amazing sunsets.

Angus doesn't like getting his upper body wet so this is how he surfs.

This one crawled for the first time eight years ago at the beach house. Now she's a little lady. I took her out just me and her. 

She ordered a fancy lemonade and told the waitress exactly how to make it. 

Addie was LOVING boogie boarding this year. 

Angus enjoyed staying dry.

This doughnut shop is always a popular spot. 

I've seen this group of guys stand outside the doughnut shop and chat every morning of every day that I've passed by for eight years. I always want to eavesdrop on their conversation but that may be obvious and awkward for all of us.

Dan and I celebrated 11 years of marriage on the 14th. I have to say that marriage has not been a walk in the park. I mean it's not as hard as raising kids, but it has definitely stretched us. We are both probably a bit too stubborn and we both like things our own way. BUT marrying this guy was the best decision I've ever made. It's been a super fun ride, and I think it's only going to get more and more fun from here on out.

Angus was in heaven when this wheel loader came right up to the sidewalk in front of us. 

Lots of trips to the grocery store. We never drive anywhere when we stay in Newport so the stroller is a must.

Addie lost her second tooth. Well Dan pulled it out. He's kind of in to that for some reason. I can't even watch her wiggle her wiggly teeth.

I love that this guy still naps. I think he's rewarding me for putting up with his high maintenance self when he's awake.

Grandma joined us as usual. It's always better when she's there.

And we love having guests.

We love you forever Newport Beach ❤️