Sunday, October 23, 2022

monsters, jailbirds & cowgirls

We're approaching Halloween and it's full speed ahead with all things holidays. I love fall around here. We don't experience any changing colors but the weather is lovely. I feel great about kicking the kids out of the house and making them stay outside for a while.  

Heard around here: 

Angus: I found another girl I'm gonna marry today!

Me: What about Paisley?

Angus: I'm still marrying her.

Me: You can't marry two people Angus. 

Angus: Why not? 

Me: Well, for starters, it's the law. 

Angus: Oh man, Savannah's gonna be so upset.


Taylor Swift: Darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

Mya: That's you, Winter.

Winter: Haha yeah


Addie - I think a boy in my class likes me.

Me: Yeah? Why, what does he do? 

Addie: Well sometimes he's like (deep voice) "hey" and then sometimes he's like (deep voice) "hi."

Me: Yeah, sounds like he totally likes you =)


Me: You made Mya an egg sandwich too? That was so nice of you Addie!

Addie: I am nice. I'm not a monster. 

Dan has something important to say to Mya but she's unconscious...

I paid my favorite Palm Springs residents a visit. We went to the cutest little place called Pioneer Town. It's near Joshua Tree. They have little shops and restaurants and a big barn where you can have a big party or wedding. Love it.

The Palm Springs windmills get me every time. 

Angus got half of the words wrong reading this book. After he finished he asked, "Didn't I do such a good job reading Mom?" To which I of course replied, "Yeah buddy." I love his ever-present oblivious confidence and positivity.

Angus is still the president of my fan club. He cried when I came home from Palm Springs like he always does. And he says things like, "Mom, I was born to love you."

Dan loves having lots of little helpers to clean with him =)

I remember when Mya and Winter used to dress like this. 💖

Winter asked to use my phone to turn on some music in the car but also did this gorgeous photo shoot I found later that day.

Angus took his wallet to school so he could get a book at the book fair. He came home with this instead. I'm like, "Angus, that's not a book dude." His reply was, "Mom, it's SCIENCE." I guess science trumps books. =) Whenever anyone asks what it is, he says, "It's SCIENCE."

We went to visit the Higerds. This is how Addie travels in luxury. A neck pillow and a cardboard laptop and mouse that Winter made.

Feeding the "tortles" =)

Making a fort with James's grandpa.

And I got to go to an Alan Jackson concert with this fabulous cowgirl.

Alan did not disappoint.

Angus said that one of his dreams was that the whole family would eat dinner while watching a movie. So we rented the new minions movie and ordered Thai. I don't recommend the movie. But the kids liked it.

One of Angus's favorite places is the kids' haircut place in Glendora. It's all about the toys you get to play with while you wait to get your haircut. "Mom, I want this for Christmas. Take a picture."

Not sure what they're doing but they're very proud of themselves. Winter is the photographer... hence the thumb in the corner.

Have you tried Bitchin' Sauce? I found this variety pack at the San Dimas Costco. It's dairy-free and delicious. I went back for more a week later and they had a different variety pack. So depending on your Costco, they may have this one or a different one.

That's all for now.
Happy Sunday!