Saturday, December 3, 2022

holidays & birthdays part 1

We borrowed my cousin's daughter for a few days, with permission of course. Elle loved every minute of her time with her big girl (and boy) cousins. Winter thought of entertaining things to do every second of the day. I told her that she should run a preschool when she grows up. She's a professional childcare expert. And Mya made sure everyone had food, and water and stayed safe for the most part. 

It was lovely actually. Everyone got along, the TV stayed off and the kids used their imaginations and actually played with their toys. The house was a wreck but I was so happy to see everyone playing together so nicely. 

Elle has a bandaid on her nose (below) from a wagon accident. Winter may have been running with Elle and Addie in it and crashed, tipping them over onto the street. Elle got a nosebleed and her face was scratched up and so were her hands and I felt terrible. Her mom picked her up a few hours later and Mya told my cousin, "Sorry we're returning her in rough shape." She wants to come back again so that's good. 😊

They were eating dinner on a blanket on the floor because the kitchen table was covered in crafts and nail salon items. We have used this waterproof blanket a TON. I highly recommend picking one up and leaving it in your trunk for impromptu park, beach or carpet picnics.

Winter was so tired by the time she left haha. It was good for her. 😆

It's pizza oven season!

Addie and Angus both won awards at school. It was the first awards assembly in 2 years so the kids were super excited. It was Angus's first time being publically acknowledged so he was fighting back happy tears on the stage and managed to keep it together. 

Mya and Winter both play the largest instrument known to man. The bass. They had their first concert together. It was lovely. Also, the orchestra teacher led the audience in a round of applause for the parents of the bass players for shlepping the basses around. I appreciated that.

My big sis came into town with her family. It was so lovely to spend time with them.

Thanksgiving part 1 was at our Santa Barbara fam's house. It was so much fun and everyone had a wonderful time.

Then Wendy and I headed to Oceanside to see our niece's new precious little peanut. We're in love. She's perfect.

Then Thanksgiving part 2 with more fam in Simi Valley. A wonderful time with wonderful people.

Then we celebrated Addie turning 9! 

Happy Advent season! 

The kids are participating in the Living Nativity at church on Friday the 9th if anyone wants to come check it out!

Click here for more info.