Saturday, November 4, 2023


This always happens. We come back from Newport and everything fast-forwards until January. It has been busy busy busy.

But these last couple of months have been awesome. I've been able to see family and friends I haven't seen in years. 

My sister Stephanie came into town for a few days then we both went to Vegas to visit our Grandma for her 97th birthday. Praying for her genetics =)

I took Steph on our fairly intense church hike. She was a trooper. They don't have mountains in Michigan I hear =)

Date night at Pomona Valley Mining Co.

Azusa looks so pretty at night. Maybe it's the smog but I still love it.

My big bro Christopher and his fam were in town from Texas to celebrate my great-niece baby Lyla's 1st bday. It was so good to see them.

The weather has been beautiful so we've been hiking and biking and walking lately. Say what you will about CA but you just can't beat these temps.

This is what I usually come downstairs to on the weekends. I sleep in and the kids still wake up with the sun. These two are still besties 💕

Angus is now stronger than Addie. Don't tell her I said so. It's her job to take out the trash these days. He's such a good brother.

He's very patient with all of her shenanigans =)

Otter doesn't have much time left we don't think. And she smells pretty terrible these days but Angus is still her #1 fan. Always has been. He can be kind of stinky too haha.

Making themselves at home at church. (Photo cred: Steph)

The two shorties =)

Mya looked like such a teenager so I had to get a pic. She didn't want people to think she's always on her phone so I do have to say for the record that she is rarely on it =)

Addie is playing cello this year =)

I love that all of my kids like to read. It makes me so happy. (Winter reads too, just didn't get a pic) 
I used to love to read too, before I had a bunch of kids and no time. Now I listen to strictly audiobooks but I think that still counts. I'm always looking for a good recommendation so feel free to share.

Halloween costumes this year were pretty low key which I appreciated. Mya made this R2D2 costume. Love it.

Angus brought his buddy, the mandalorian =) (Aka Nathan)

A jaguar...

And my favorite, a hydro flask. I love her homemade little headpiece. All of her friends were different colored flasks. Too cute.

And that's that. Happy Saturday!