Sunday, July 14, 2024

And just like that, 7 months have passed...

The kids don't give me much writing material because they are well-trained and well-behaved with only minor setbacks from time to time for the most part. No complaints here. I've been waiting a decade for this. 

My 30's were a giant blur of diapers, strollers, wet beds, toddler tantrums, chicken nuggets, applesauce pouches, mac & cheese, and lost keys. There were also two dogs to add to the chaos. Unfortunately, both pups are no longer with us. We will be looking for a new one soon but not quite yet.

I've had no trouble filling the time that was once used to meet needs, answer questions, and clean up spills, as time is often not hard to fill. As the kids get older, the schedule becomes full with activities. So we are busier than ever during the school year. I can't wait until Mya starts driving. And summer has all the kids all over the place in different camps etc.

I thought I'd provide an update on the kiddos and Dan and me. Kind of like that Christmas card we never send out.

Mya - 

Mya is a beautiful soul inside and out. She is done with 9th grade. She took a few honors classes, advanced math, and orchestra. She still plays the stand-up bass. She works really hard for her A's and managed to keep them all year. No easy feat. She can't wait to grow up, get married, have babies and organize her house. She has started babysitting for different families, and volunteers at church with the toddlers and loves every minute of it. She also loves shopping but hates spending money which is a tricky thing =) Whenever I need to buy a gift for anyone, I often let Mya pick it out. She loves choosing the perfect thing. She's really good at it too. Of course she's a fan of thrifting like her mom too =) Mya plans on attending Citrus College so that she can save money and then who knows. Maybe she'll go into business, or something with babies or toddlers. Whatever it is that she ends up doing, she will do her best and succeed at it. 

Winter - 

Winter is 13 and completed 7th grade. She's 5'7 and adorable. Winter breezes through life. She also earned mostly straight A's without much effort. She makes friends easily and often earns the praise of her teachers. She is a friendly, easygoing teenager who rarely gets upset. Her goal is usually just to have fun doing whatever it is that she's doing in that moment. She still loves animals and dreams of owning a horse someday. She knows that they don't come cheap so she hopes her future husband has a good job so he can support her equestrian habits =) Winter also plays the stand-up bass in orchestra and enjoys it. At home, she fiddles around on the piano more than she practices her bass but at least she's making music. She hopes to make the volleyball team next year so fingers crossed. I've been practicing with her outside so we shall see.  

Addie - 

Addie is 10 and completed the 4th grade. She also earned all A's in school this year. She started the cello this past year, following in her big sisters' footsteps. She is still very tiny but steadily growing. I think she grew more this year than any so far. We are hoping she breaks 5 feet eventually. Addie is very smart, very artistic, and has a huge heart. She's the loudest person in the house. Well, maybe Dan is. But she's a close 2nd. She can be fierce when she gets mad and super crazy silly when the mood strikes. She never hides her emotions and isn't intimidated by anyone. She always roots for the underdog and loves all animals. She watches Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet every chance she gets. She says she wants to do something like that when she grows up. I hope she does. She also writes and illustrates stories for fun. She loves ocean life but doesn't really like going very far into the water since it contains sting rays and sharks. I tend to agree. Addie is so smart and creative. I can't wait to see what she does with her talents.

Angus - 

Angus is 9 and completed 3rd grade. He has been working SO hard. School doesn't come easily to him but he has the best attitude about it. I'm amazed by his inner joy and confidence in life. He has been working with a math tutor and is doing so great. He also just got glasses a couple of months ago because he's pretty blind unbeknownst to us. That should help him in school next year we're hoping. We bought him a basketball hoop for his birthday in May and he has been shooting hoops every day and hopes to play professionally someday. Like I said, he has an abundance of confidence. He's also the happiest person I've ever met. And the most obedient of the kids. He always says, "Okay Mom" or "Okay Dad" when asked to do something. It drives his sisters crazy because we never discipline him. He rarely needs it. He loves life and people and has tons of friends at school. He really is a lovely human. 

Dan -

Dan injured his shoulder in January and has been home from work since. He had shoulder surgery in March and has a few more months before he can return to work. It was a pretty extensive surgery with several repairs. He's been going to PT and has been trying to be as helpful as one person can with one arm. He can't wait to be able to use both arms again so that he can work on home projects again. He says that this is good practice for us since he'll be home all the time once he retires someday.  I don't think I really need a lot of practice for that =) We play a lot of board games most evenings and we try to get in a walk most mornings. It has been an adjustment having him home but I think we have found our rhythm. Now that it's summer and everyone is home all the time. I may need to find a hobby outside the home =)

Amie - 

I've been keeping myself busy as always, doing some admin work online, laundry, kid shuttling, grocery shopping, running errands, some cooking here and there and all the other things moms do. Oh and I've been in three bible studies and one book club. One of them I've been doing on zoom with my sisters and mom. We've been reading our way through the bible one book at a time starting with Genesis and we're now in the new testament so that's exciting. I love that we are all in different time zones and are still able to stay super connected. We are on the Marco Polo app daily too. I've been exploring a lot more in the kitchen making more and more plant-based recipes. I love challenging myself, trying to make good healthy food. I've also been trying to work out more. It's harder than you would think to work out without injuring yourself in your 40s. But I am determined. I've come to the conclusion that "low-impact" workouts are the safest bet. You know, the ones they make for old ladies. =) On Monday nights I've been taking "line-dancing" classes with some friends. An older lady named Donna teaches them and I'm loving learning the steps to my favorite genre of music. Country has always had my heart.

Summer is half over and we have been non-stop with camps and social engagements. Winter injured her knee so she is missing out on some fun things, but she's also loving not having to help out with chores. She also loves having breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks served to her on the couch. She's actually my favorite patient in the house. She rarely complains, and gets lost in her books or TV shows all day. I forget that she's in there, poor thing.

Well that's about all that's happening. I've been trying to post this for months and life keeps getting in the way. Here's a TON of pics from December through July in no particular order because if I took the time to put them in order this post would eternally be in my drafts. =) My goal is to post monthly now. Fingers crossed.