Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Fisher, camps & love
Saturday, February 15, 2025
These guys
I already know that this will be my favorite season of parenting. I know I shouldn't say that with so much more ahead, like graduations, moving into appartments, weddings, grandkids, big family gatherings and more, God willing. But this right here is where it's at; 9, 11, 14 & 15.
I'm just so proud of them. I feel like we are starting to see the fruits of all the corrections, punishments, words of wisdom, encouragements and all of the constant training that comes with parenting. I know that life doesn't always go as planned. You can't control the outcome of your kids' lives. And we are by no means done with them. But I just wanted to take a minute to acknowledge how much I enjoy this current life and how much I enjoy these people. This is what I imagined when I thought of having four kids when Dan and I got married.
After we had Mya I wasn't so sure I wanted to do the whole baby thing three more times. And Mya was a dream baby. But slowly, one at a time, we had three more. There have been some really rough times. And it was really hard for me when they were little. Really hard. Most days I prayed that God would make up for what I lacked and make them forget about the times when Mommy lost it or was the opposite of what I felt like they needed. But now, I tend to forget about that because they are turning out okay. By the grace of God, they are.
I try not to flaunt the good things too much because I worry that it will make those who are going through hard stuff feel worse about their situation. So hopefully it doesn't. Hopefully this brings encouragement to those with littles. And maybe it brings a smile to those who love me and know me and my kids well.
I think it's important to acknowledge that life sucks sometimes, but sometimes it doesn't =)
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Demons at Baby Beach
Last summer or maybe the one before that, Angus invited the devil's angels to Baby Beach in Dana Point. So if you go, be cautious.
The kids and I took a trip down south to see my friend Mari and her fam. We all met up at Baby Beach. After the kids had played, swam, paddle-boarded and kayaked, we were sitting around talking about scary movies. I mentioned that I don't watch a lot of them because I don't want to invite demons into my house.
That was Angus's queue. He stood up and raised a toy sword to the sky and yelled, "I INVITE YOU DEMONS! COME ON!"
I yelled, "Angus stop!! What in the world?!
Mari commented, "Well, I guess we're not coming back to Baby Beach."
The kids, some wide-eyed, and some laughing hysterically, had no words.
Angus has always had an extra portion of confidence when it comes to going up against someone stronger than him. He always wants Dan to come and tackle him at bedtime. Dan's not a giant man but he's easily 3 times Angus's weight. But still, Angus is like, "Okay Dad, I'm ready. I think I can take you this time."
Mya found a "demon slayer" sword on Amazon so of course I had to get it for him for Christmas.