Thursday, September 28, 2017

Newport 2017

This year makes our 6th year vacationing in Newport at the same beach house. We are always amazed we found such a perfect place for our family. Although the house seems to be shrinking as our family gets bigger, we still feel extremely blessed to be able to do this. It was another amazing year spent mostly with family. The majority of our days included walking to coffee at the pier, paddle boarding, riding bikes to get lunch, walking to get ice cream, people watching, walking to the grocery store, playing in the ocean, seashell hunting, rinsing impressive amounts of sand off in the outdoor shower, eating good food, watching an amazing sunset and spending time just relaxing (as much as possible with 4 kids) together. Here are the pics very out of order. But they all took place between September 5th and September 19th =)


  1. It was a fun trip. So much fun. I love the pictures. They are so cute. Till next year.

  2. Love these pictures❤️ How fun!
