March is my birthday month. So it's the best month in my opinion. My favorite thing about March, besides my birthday, is that we spring forward during daylight savings. Yay! I can feed the kids dinner at 5:00 then send them back outside to play until bedtime. And bedtime comes extra fast because it's an hour earlier than we're used to. Everybody wins. It's so funny that daylight savings wasn't even affecting my life at all until the littles came along and everything revolved around bedtime and naps. I love spring time, except for the many bees it brings.
Our little front yard is looking very colorful and charming. Happy almost spring.
Here is Angus enjoying his occasional bike ride through the house pantsless.
Funny thing happened the other day I have to share. So, any time Mya hears my text message alerts, she has to inform me of who they're from and sometimes reads them. I really should make a rule that she isn't allowed to read them. Maybe I will. I received a text from a fellow mom with three little boys saying, "Anyone else's kids going batshit crazy tonight or just mine?" Mya read it allowed to me. I replied, "What?!" and she started reading it again. I yelled, "No, stop!" and laughed. I think that was officially the first time my 8-year-old has said a curse word. But it went totally over her head and she didn't even know what she was reading. I have successfully kept my kids from learning foul language because I mumble those words under my breath and rarely yell them. Mom points for me.
So, Dan's brother and sis-in-law are in the hospital as we speak delivering their 3rd baby, first boy. We get to hang out with our nieces which we love, especially Mya and Winter. They are always begging us for slumber parties with cousins and friends. We have them 'till Friday so they're ecstatic. Here we are enjoying a nice dinner on the patio. The chilly winter temps (70 degrees) have us all in sweatshirts. =)
And speaking of babies, I went to see my cousin Jamie's first new baby, Elle, for the first time. OMG how perfectly scrumptious is this little angel baby? Too much. My mom asked me if holding her made me want another one. I yelled at her for even suggesting such a crazy notion.
And it's not because I don't love babies. I adore babies. They're the best. They're precious and tiny and you can carry them around anywhere because they weigh like 10 pounds. In fact, two months is actually the best time to take the baby places. Unfortunately, you don't realize that until that itty bitty sweetie becomes a toddler. Then you really can't take them anywhere.
For instance, Dan needed some new shoes last week. He's been sporting the same vans for about 15 years. I'm not even exaggerating. I told him he looked slightly homeless last time he wore them to church and he was shocked. He had no idea. We decided to go shoe shopping. Dan can't shop by himself. For one, he doesn't have any real fashion sense because he really doesn't care about trivial things like fashion. And he's color blind so he would probably come back with pink shoes. It was quite the ordeal. The local Vans store is just 8 minutes away and not even located in a big mall. Awesome. But it took a long time to decide on the color and style, then the young lady had to go fetch them from the back, then she brought out the wrong ones, then she had to go fetch them from the back again. Meanwhile Angus and Addie tried on every hat in reach and rearranged the shoes and lied on the floor to look in the shoe mirrors. Totally fine actually.

But at one point, Angus removed one of the tiny metal poles that held the hats and accidentally kind of stabbed himself in the leg. He had a little meltdown but he recovered quickly. I saw three other shoe shoppers (one with an infant) come in, pick out their shoes, pay for their shoes, and leave while Dan and I waited for our shoes, chased the crazy monkeys around the store and were reminded why we don't take them anywhere. I finally gave up and took Angus to the car where he could pretend to drive and press all the buttons like the windshield wipers and hazards and blinkers until Dan and Addie came out. And to make a long story short...ish. We didn't leave with any shoes. They didn't carry any of the four pairs that he picked out in his size. So, I went to the West Covina Mall during nap time to get three of them. Now he has shoes that make him look like a normal civilized person.
And speaking of shoes... These multifunctional Nikes are getting plenty of use.
And in other news, I joined the gym! I'm one of those weirdos that actually enjoys things like running, sit-ups, crunches and what have you. I've been bugging Dan for months to sign me up and he finally did it. He wanted to be the one to make the deal since he feels that most establishments take advantage of women and try to charge them more because they can. Yeah, that's just one of the theories going on in the mind of Dan. Totally fine. I'd rather him ask all the questions and fill out the paperwork. I would actually prefer not to join a gym. I'd rather run outside on the street or climb some stairs or watch a free YouTube video that offers exercises to get the perfect butt. Before I had kids, that was totally doable. Now, not doable.
Working out is a sure fire way to get your kids to not leave you alone. It is quite the scene when I attempt a 10 minute ab sculpting video. Just 10 minutes. All of a sudden everyone wants to work out with me. Angus is army crawling under me while I plank. Addie is sitting on my belly while I attempt crunches. Winter is complaining that it's too hard and Mya is too close to me, doing kicks and things. And although they are very encouraging and like to cheer me on, it's not a whole lot of fun for me.
So we are gym members now. Me, Angus and Addie. They call us triple A. Cute. I go in the morning while the big girls are in school. The first day, the lady came and got me out of my yoga class to whisper to me that Angus had to go pee. I laughed and told her he had a pull-up on and he could wait. Namaste. The second day, after about 10 minutes of stair climbing, the childcare lady informed me that Angus pooped in his pull-up and needed to be changed right away. It was pretty bad. It stunk up the whole childcare room. Those ladies are saints.
I wasn't upset about being interrupted because that stair climber is no joke. Hard stuff. But then I remembered that I probably didn't have any extra wipes or pull-ups on me. I went to the car to check to see if I had anything in there, even though I was pretty sure I didn't. I opened the front seat to find baby wipes I'd left there because I was cleaning a mystery gunk off the seat the day before. Yessss. Then I opened the trunk hoping for a miracle pull-up to be stuffed in the corner or something. I actually just bought a box of pull-ups at Target and forgot to take them in the house. I thanked Jesus for letting me always be super forgetful so I could change Angus and get back to the torturous stair climber. I plan ahead now and bring a pull-up and wipes with me which is good because every day since, Angus has pooped 15 minutes into my workout. Every single time.
Oh and I made the best workout playlist. So I thought I'd share it in case you needed some new tunes while you work out. And if you don't work out, this playlist is also good for cleaning, or dancing around in your kitchen in your underwear. Whatever floats your boat.
This is a grown up music list. Not totally suitable for children. All of these songs are available on the Amazon music app I mentioned in my previous blog
1. Liquid Lunch - Caro Emerald
2. Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya
3. Cheap Thrills - Sia feat. Sean Paul
4. The Sign - Ace of Base
5. I Want You - Savage Garden
6. No One - Alicia Keys
7. Stars - Demi Lovato
8. Work From Home - Fifth Harmony
9. Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
10. Confident - Demi Lovato
11. No Digity - Blackstreet
12. Hey Ya! - Outkast
13. Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke
14. My House - Flo Rida
15. Where is the Love - The Black Eyed Peas
16. Pump It - The Black Eyed Peas
17. Let's Get it Started - The Black Eyed Peas
18. Hey Mama - The Black Eyed Peas
19. London Bridge - Fergie
20. Clumsy - Fergie
21. Worth It - Kid Ink
22. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy
23. Shape of You - Ed Sheeran
24. I Love It - Icona Pop
25. Do Wop (That Thing) - Lauren Hill
Happy Wednesday and happy almost Spring!