Wednesday, March 21, 2018


It's amazing to me that our kids love us so much no matter what. It seems like all we do is yell at them or correct them. And we always know that any time we want a hug, they are more than happy to give us one. A giant one. 

This is me on the couch trying to wake up while the coffee brews sometime around 5:45AM. I've never been a morning person. Still not. They don't care =)

Before washing machines and dishwashers were invented, people must have spent all day doing dishes and laundry. I have these modern day inventions yet I still can’t keep up with the workload. But still so thankful for them. This is our 2nd load of the day.

The big girls got their ears pierced Thursday! Winter was super anxious to have ears with holes in them. Well I think she's mostly wanting to wear dangly earrings so she can be even fancier than usual. She wasn't really nervous about it, or if she was, she didn't talk about it. Mya wasn't sure if she was going to go through with it. She wanted to see how Winter's piercings went and then go from there. 

Dan wanted to be the one to take them. Fine by me. I'm not good with that stuff. I nearly fainted when my ears were pierced. So we made an appointment with our pediatrician's office that does piercings. We thought that would be probably the most sanitary, kid friendly place to do it. Not that I have anything against tattoo parlors. That would have been a pretty interesting experience for them. 

So the day came and Winter went first. She cried. She didn't want to get the second ear done. So Dan tried to get Mya to go next. I believe her reply was "NO WAY" after seeing Winter's experience. So Dan had the lady pierce Winter's second ear, tears and all. Again, Dan tried to get Mya to get hers done but she still wasn't having it. So they left. Winter two holes. Mya none. 

On the way home, Mya had a change of heart. Dan patiently drove back to the pediatrician and they agreed to take her. And she bravely sat there and let them pierce her ears. No tears. 

I'm so proud of both of them. That's a super scary thing and they were both very brave. 



Here are the two videos. If your kid is scared about getting his/her ears pierced, show them Mya's, not Winter's =)

I'm not sure if they have them everywhere but the pediatrician used hypoallergenic earrings. You don't have to clean them or twist them. You just switch them out after 6 weeks and supposedly they can wear anything after that. Fingers crossed. 

Angus doesn't like to go to sleep without saying goodnight to his big (tiny) sis. It's a nightly thing. I love these two. 

The girls are always asking me to buy them shoes with heels on them. I found some sparkly ones at the thrift store yesterday so I had to get them. Mya was delighted. She had to get dressed up so that her outfit matched the shoes. 

She loves looking for big birds out in the back by the water. We see some really cool ones actually. A bald eagle lives close by so we see it frequently and we see egrets daily. 

My friend Annie sent me this awesome little gadget for my birthday that connects to the bluetooth in my phone and allows me to snap selfies. Like a bluetooth selfie stick. So fun. I might have to start putting some effort into my appearance now that I can be in the pictures... but that sounds like a lot of work.

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