Wednesday, December 12, 2018

IG faves

I broke up with Instagram in December last year. I was getting a bit obsessed and it was kind of taking over my life. Every time anything remotely interesting happened I was recording it and adding it to my story. So, it's been about a year now and I feel like I can get back on without getting too crazy. I promised myself I will not go on Facebook or Instagram until after my kids go to bed. That seems doable. I need clear boundaries for myself. I'm not good at doing anything in moderation so I need the rules. 

Breaking up with Instagram gave me more pics for the blog so that's good. But I still have all these great pics on Instagram that aren't on the blog. I'd rather put them all in one place. And I kind of want to make a book or something one day of all the pics and stories on my blog. So I decided to make a post of my IG favorites. I feel more complete doing this and I think I may sleep better at night. 

So, if you don't have Instagram, here's the last few years in a nutshell. I've included the original captions so I didn't have to think of a caption for every single pic. This goes back to when Mya was 5 years old. 

"Mom can you paint a heart on my cheek so that Nolan knows I'm in love with him?"

When you want to show someone you love them, you give them a kiss on the bicep. 💓😊

This is how Winter falls asleep most nights.

Vacation Bible Adventure is here! Thanks for the awesome improved shirts mom! You're welcome girls.

You know you're a mom when you have a baby bjorn sunburn.

Angus loves to be held by his big sister.

What a waste of money that mattress and comforter were.

I do whatever I want cuz mommy's too tired to stop me. #daddydressedme #imaybepooping

"Mommy! This is what sweet looks like."

I used to think newborns were so hard. Now sometimes I wish they were all this age. 😊💙

Big baby.

Come on. The cuteness.

Couldn't figure out why she kept doing this when I said "say cheese." Then I realized she was eating cheese haha. Communication with a 1-yr-old.

Lunch and art in one!

I remember when there wasn't anything on this rug but a coffee table. #whathappened #kidshappened #poordogs


You must learn to write your name by the time you're 5 in the Wag house. Practice practice day and night. Totally kidding. We don't care. 


Don't tell anyone but I'm sitting in a pink bumbo.

Beach hair.

People ask me what it's like having babies so close together. Well I just changed three poopy diapers in 10 minutes... But they're not so bad. 💗

Had to document this little miracle. Daddy is at work and we are all in the car dressed, I think we all have our shoes on and no one is crying and mommy's not yelling. And we are on time to church...

Mya got her first "like" letter from a boy.

Good friends share their cheerios.

This is what I feel like most days. Drowning in a sea of laundry.

If you can't tell, this is Addie breastfeeding her baby "Angus." 

The most helpful 6 year old award goes to Mya. She got Addie out of her crib, changed her diaper, picked out her outfit complete with socks and shoes and dressed her from head to toe. So thankful for my little rockstar!

Embracing his role as a dad of 3 little ladies.

Girls will be girls. 💗

A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do to get the dishes done. #makeonemesstocleananother

I keep forgetting to feed him when she's napping...

Had to document this fourth kid picture. Obviously he does not match. He has applesauce all over his shirt (hard to see in the picture) because I let Mya feed him before we left for the store. He's holding a marker for a toy. Where are his socks and shoes? It's raining outside... Who cares? He's not walking anywhere.

Dude what's up with your hair?

Ah the beast of potty training. This little lady has definitely set the record for number of times someone has peed on the floor in our house. We have high hopes for day two!

First gymnastics lesson! I hope they don't make fun of Winter's shorts under her leotard. I'm just happy she finally agreed to go.

I saw the forecast for next week and I was like... 
(this was when it was over 110 in SoCal)

Mya's baby barricade.

Because I have 3 sisters.

Winter finally found some little ones to return her affection. 💙

Toilet fishing. My least favorite sport. Such a cute bag too.

What a pleasant surprise it has been to see Winter step up and be such an awesome big sister 💖


Hey ladies. I'm like almost a year and a half so...

Aaaaaaaaaand I'm an idiot. #distracted

Gonna be a long day.

The bromance is forming. These two have 7 sisters between them. Stick together boys.

"See mama he not biting me!" 

Every day after school, Mya is greeted like this by her very aggressive, affectionate little sister. 💗Winter usually tries to greet me the same way but I jump out of the way just in time. 😀 #sisterlove #betteryouthanmemya 😄

Brushing daddy's "hair."

Dan dressed Addie. The shoes are only a few sizes too big. All in all, a good effort. 👍

Merry Christmas!!

Popsicle time just cuz. Just a brotha tryin to fit in. #oneofthesethingsisnotliketheothers

Killin time waiting for Mya to get out of school.

Me: Why are you naked again?
Addie: No I not naked! I have a purse!

When Angus goes in the living room, I head for the dishwasher and empty and put away as much as I can before he finds out that it's open. This morning I was able to empty and fill it and hand wash the pans and knives... that never happens. How did I not know what was going on in the living room? I didn't even know we owned a green sharpie. #5cushionsbothsides

Everybody look at mommy!!... Or nobody look at mommy, whatever. #ithinkthesnowmanslooking

Dude, girls be crazy.

People who love my children climb to the very top of the list of my favorites. 💗

Angus - lover or noise and chaos

Grace came over yesterday and Winter yelled, hey I have that shirt! Grace yelled back, and I have those pants!! Then Winter said, let's match! And Grace said ok!! Be right back! This is what happens when there's a Target half a mile from us.

These 6 year old troublemaker besties are going to do great things some day. In the meantime they're going to make us laugh. A lot. 💗

Boys fixin' stuff.

More fixing.

7AM Vacuum meltdown.

We worked through it and now we're ok 👍


Off to the dentist for some me time! #momlife #iusedtohatethedentist

Taking sharing to a whole nother level.

This is Otter staring at the peanut butter filled pretzel on the princess table... torturing herself. And being impressively obedient. You can't tell but she's drooling. 😄

Winter came downstairs wearing this - purple tee, overalls, cat pants, blue socks and sparkly cat flats. And a sweatshirt tied around her waist just in case. Mya said, "Wow Winter you look kinda crazy... maybe change the socks?" 😄👍

There they go again, making me look like a good mom.

Scootin' with Dad. 💙

Taking a walk through the almond trees... Angus loves it. 💙

These are their goat faces.

Just love it when he wakes up early from his afternoon nap and helps me with the laundry... #butnotreally

We've been working on weening her off the paci... not going well. 

Matching missing teeth.

"I so sad Mya hold my hand."

Always making laundry more fun 💙💗

Addie: I'm mad at you mom!
Me: Why?
Addie: I don't know!!  

I guess she'll open her applesauce more carefully next time!... I'm a horrible person 😂

She only drew one lane on the street...

Patiently waiting for the garbage truck.

Yep this'll work 👍

Too many french fries.

Somebody is not respecting the sign... Too bad she's the only one of the four who can read it 😄

Mommy gave up and the children have taken over.

They just cried 30 minutes ago when we told them to pick up their toys... what do they do afterward? Deep clean the back patio just cuz. Whatever. I'll take it.

Can't believe this little man is gonna be two Monday... maybe I should get him a manly towel for his birthday.

Not a fan of the frosting 💙😂

Get it Ethan.

When I say, Winter make a face, this is what happens.
It was teacher appreciation week at school this week. Today was school supply gift day. I contributed Kleenex to both Mya and Winter's classrooms. Always a good idea since kids have endless snot and boogers aaaand we have a Costco supply at home. Mya and Winter were not impressed. Winter got to school and handed her teacher the "gift" and said (with lots of Winter attitude) "Here's your stinky old box of Kleenex!" Love that her teacher shares these things with me. 💗

Mya: Guess what day it is Winter. It starts with an F...
Winter: Fursday?? 


Sometimes we just hang out in the street like this.

Dan: Who broke my hose pot??!
Mya: I don't know
Winter: I have no idea
Me: You don't know it was them for sure...
Dan: Maybe Jesus came down and struck my hose pot and it broke?
Winter: Ummm Dad I don't think Jesus would break your pot.

Mya says this is "important" beer from Mexico. Dan and I agree.

Finding out he got the promotion he's been working so hard for. Congrats to my Engineer. Love to see this guy happy 😍
Thanks for the photo Mari!

Could not love them more 💗

Mya always steals Angus's diapers and I find them on her stuffed animals and baby dolls. She loves that they smell like real babies. She's been begging me for diapers of her own so I got her some at Target. I haven't seen her this happy since Christmas. #mylittleweirdo

Ethan: Grandma can I have ice in my agua?
Addie: It's not agua, it's WATER!

Mixed feelings about the end of the year. 😩😄

10Am costume party #whynot #itstuesday

Addie had a little cough attack this morning. When she was done she yelled, "WHOA are you okay Winter?!

Me: You know what your shirt says? It says best big sister!
Addie: No, it says I don't like mommy

Descanso Gardens on this fine morning.

While changing Angus's poopie diaper Addie says, EEEEEEWWWE it's greeeeen! Hey that's my favorite color!! 💚😂

This is Winter's pet roly poly "Big Dude."

When anyone in my house suggests oatmeal I cringe because I know this guy's gonna want some. #bringinthedogs

Dan received some homemade gifts including a giant pink heart necklace, a puzzle from the game cabinet and lots of hugs. He couldn't be happier. 💗
#someonesalwaysnaked #someonesalwayscrying

Let's take a pic! Maybe if you guys just stand here Angus will come join you... aaaaand that's Angus walking away. #hesdonewithpicsforever

SO forth of July right now.

Winter took it upon herself to dress Angus for me.

Mom it's ok. It was just a accident. Sometimes little people do accidents when they are looking for scissors k mom? 

Winter: Mya can you get me a fork?
Mya: No! You always ask me to get you stuff. You can get it!
Winter: Fine Mya. I just farted right next to you.

I'm pretty sure these two have reached the peak of their cuteness... and hopefully the peak of their level of difficulty.

The end of summer has us moms like..

Thanks @marihigerd for capturing this awesome and not at all disgusting moment when Winter's tooth was dangling by a root thread. 😄

Whilst singing you are my sunshine to her barbies in the sweetest voice possible, Winter let one rip. #loveher

It's like at a wedding when the happy couple feeds each other cake... only it's graham crackers... in a box.

Praying he turns out okay.

"Dear Jesus, thank you for God and Jesus and Santa. Please help my birthday to get here. Amen.

I said don't touch the baby powder. He touched.

This guy never lets me change him without a fight. This morning while finishing up a very poopie one, he kicked me in the stomach so I attempted a left handed underhand spanking which I rarely do. I missed his butt and smacked myself in the nose. Hard enough to generate tears. Angus laughed. #toddlersaretheworst

I wonder what she's gonna look like when she grows up... #illcallherminime

Sunday best... or Sunday pretty good. 👍

Just a girl tryin' to have some alone time 😄

A man of MANY talents. 

Two = endless mess


Okay first of all, how talented is my 6 year old. And second, maybe they shouldn't give the kids the whole week of Thanksgiving off... 😀


Fish tank science lesson.

Some kids like to bring dolls or blankets in the car with them. Angus likes to bring his Vitamix 5200. #totallynormal

Hanging with cousins...(I just realized that Angus is crying in like half of these IG pictures)

Baking with littles and losing my mind. One of our fave Christmas traditions 💗🎄

Mya's super excited about the matching hair towels. Addie... not as excited.

Well, that's it. We're all caught up. I miss those little stinkers. So, it's been a year now and things have definitely gotten easier. Angus still cries A LOT but not even half as much as he did as a 2 year old. 

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