Wednesday, February 6, 2019

water water all around

Not sure how long this style of Winter's will last, but I love it so. 

Mya: Mom, Angus gave the dog a bunch of vitamins. 
Me: What is a bunch?
Mya: Well he held up two fingers but he said 8.
Me: So like 5 maybe?
Mya: Yeah probably.

I called the number on the bottle and the lady was very professional and didn't judge me at all. She said Otter would be fine. Maybe just a little diarrhea for a day or two. Awesome.

If you haven’t noticed I like taking pictures of my kids when they’re upset. I’m just mocking their pain. It’s totally fine. I'm kidding. That’s only partly true. So this time Angus decided to be grumpy. He does this out of the blue and for no reason. He just says mom, I’m dumpy! And he does this. Like daily. I think he's just trying to fit in.

Angus: What dat yound?
Me: Thunder? That’s just clouds talking to each other.
Angus: couds dont yalk, day no haf moufs.

He's smarter than I thought.

Friday, Dan and I saw that it was going to rain for the next four days so we made the kids come outside and play. Mya decided to try rollerblading out. Not sure she's ever put them on before... Winter was by far the fastest on her horse, complete with very loud horse noises. Angus was on his bike as usual. And Addie hopped on the big girl scooter since she's 5 now. 

The Higerd clan was in town for an overnight visit last week. Mari and I decided we'd go out and leave the kids with some very brave amazing babysitters. Oh and also another friend joined in the fun for a total of 12 kids and two babysitters. Thankfully they all survived. And we had a lovely ladies night out.
And it took the kids a very long time to fall asleep.

It rained all day Saturday but we actually had a very lovely lazy day. Angus likes to wear rain boots inside when it rains outside.

The little two decided to empty the doll toy box I just organized after watching a Marie Kondo episode. 

And then roll around in the mess.

And they read some books together. 

I took Mya to Target with me and let her sit up front since it was just us two. I looked over and was shocked at how old she looked up there. I yelled STOP GROWING UP! And then took a pic.

Mya and Winter are at a game playing age now. That makes me super happy because Dan and I love board games. Mya is so much fun to play games with. She does not have a competitive bone in her body. We taught her how to play Yahtzee Saturday. She would continually say, "Good job Dad!" or "Good roll!" And then she would get sad for him when he wouldn't get what he wanted. 

Mya and Winter are the best big sisters. They are so helpful. They are each helpful in different ways. Mya likes to dress them, do their hair and take care of their immediate needs just to be helpful. Winter likes to actually spend time with them, pretending to be a teacher or mommy or mommy tiger. It's fun for her. They are both using their God given talents to help Dan and me SO SO much. I was telling a friend the other day that it's kind of like cheating. I'm sure it's supposed to be much harder having four. Don't get me wrong, it's hard. But it could be way harder without my two amazing little mommies.

Winter's sweatshirt is around her waist because she was "soakin' hot." She's been saying that expression for years. I'm not sure if she knows she made it up. 

There has been a lot of room shuffling since Mya was born. First she started out in our only spare room. The other one (pictured below) was an office. Then we moved Dan out of his office and toddler Mya in to make room for baby Winter. Then we moved Mya back to her original room with Winter to put baby Addie in her own room. Then Angus came along and soon took over Addie's room and the three girls bunked together. THEN a year ago when Angus moved into a big boy bed, Mya moved back into her toddler room. The letters above her head were hung when she was two. Conveniently she sleeps there again now. If they had their choice they would all sleep in one big king size bed together.

The Wagenbrenners have survived on hand-me-downs. And we are so thankful for them. Look at this adorable little dress handed down from Mari's 4 year old daughter. Addie's 5 and totally happy to be wearing it. 

This is Winter's class. She spent one hour setting it up and teaching them the lesson for the day.

The kids are pretty self sufficient as I've mentioned before. They just need a little guidance sometimes. For instance, Winter's rain boots broke Sunday. (Let me know if anyone is giving away size 1 or 2 girls rain boots) So Monday, instead of wearing another pair of boots or even tennis shoes, she went with these. (pic below) Yep, jellies. Shoes with holes in them. Pouring rain. And to keep her warm, a very light cardigan. She thought that since she had an umbrella she'd be fine. There's a lot going on in the morning, especially when Dan's at work so I don't always catch what they are wearing right away. Monday I turned around after I got in the car to see Addie's bare knees under a dress. She did have a rain coat and rain boots on.

Me: Addie, it's pouring rain. Are your legs cold?
Addie: Ummmm yeah a little bit. 
Me: Are you even wearing socks?
Addie: Ummmm I forgot. 
I threw a little fit because we were already late and ran upstairs and grabbed some pants and socks and stood outside the car in the rain and redressed her, grumbling and grunting.
In her defense, she's 5. In my defense, I'm outnumbered.

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