Wednesday, July 10, 2019

it's so summer

I take lots of pics in the summer. So here's another post for ya.

I’m not sure I could have dreamed up a cuter little boy if I tried. Seriously I could just eat him. I think God designed him cute so it would balance out the fact that he cries all the time and wakes up at 5:30AM still at 4 years old. Well except that time when Dan watched the kids when I went out of town. He slept in that time. 

VBS round two! It was a close one Monday. I bribed Angus. I told him his BFF Noah would be there. I told him no one would turn the lights off ever, but he was not having any of it. 

But then, a sweet VBS volunteer offered him a ride to his class in a wagon. Done. He was all in. What a brilliant idea. Now he must take the wagon every morning.

Who doesn't love a wagon ride.

Addie loves this little sweetie Jade if you couldn't tell. She yelled at me on Sunday for picking her up too early, gypping her of her Jadie time. 

I love that there are people taking pics of the kids for me.

5 seconds after leaving VBS yesterday.

We "dressed up as cows" yesterday for free food at Chick Fil-A. I'm not a super creative person but I do what I need to do for free food.

He stole this fry while we were waiting for our food. 

I love swimming. I love pools. I don't love that when I get in the pool, I become a giant magnet. See pic below. This isn't me. Obviously. This is neighbor friend Melissa. See? Magnet.

I love walking with this girl on summer evenings. Summer mornings are heating up and she's black. So summer evenings it is.

Before I had kids I was a customer service manager for an antivirus software company. Now this is my job. I'm not complaining. I don't mind blowing up giant floaties till I nearly pass out while my kids ask me if I'm done yet. It's fine. 

I often find him like this when I check on the kids before I go to bed. I'm not sure if he's rebelling against the bed or if he just prefers the carpet against his skin. Close enough.

My thankful thing this week is VBS and time to myself. Dan worked 4 days in a row and this break could not come at a better time. I would be losing my mind for sure if I didn't have time to regroup and get the place in order and go for a walk in silence. So thankful. 

I love these black bean burgers from Costco. They're in the freezer section. Even if you live alone, you could put them in your freezer and it wouldn't be too many burgers to eat. I think there's like 10 in the box. If you're looking for a healthier alternative to burgers, try these out. Yum. I think my mom introduced me to them. Perfect for summer.

Happy Wednesday!

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