Why the question mark you ask? Cuz it was 106 yesterday. But we made it to October! If you would have told me in March what life was going to look like for the next 6.5 months, I would have gone into the fetal position. But we made it. We did it. It's not the end of all things crazy but it feels like we climbed the mountain and now we're on our way back down. I realize we have an insane election happening but that at least feels familiar.
Last week Addie got sick. She came down with a bad tummy bug. I'll just leave it at that. She's better now and everything is back to normal... whatever that is. No one else caught it praise Jesus.
I'm excited for the weather to cool down soon so we can play outside again. It's only a little smokey these days, mostly in the morning. By the afternoon the wind changes and the air improves. We take what we can get.
Heard around here lately:
Me: Your S is backward.
Angus: Just turn the paper around.
Me: Still backward.
Dan: Lava sus manos!
Angus: What??
Dan: You heard me.
Angus: Okay Dad, lamas masmamos!
Dan: Winter, do you want a hotdog?
Winter: I'll have at least four. (including the bun)
I see her winning one of those eating contests later on in life.
Angus: I wonder what kind of trouble we're going to get in today...
Angus's 8's are not amazing but he thinks they are. And that's all that matters.
Wow mom I didn't know I'm a good artist! He's always super impressed with his paintings. He usually decides what they are after they are done, that way he can see what they look like to him. 😊
They have a life plan when they grow up. They are going to live next door to each other. Each will be married. Mya wants to marry a guy like Dan. Winter wants to marry a guy with a big beard and lots of tattoos who owns a reptile store. Mya is planning on having 10 kids and zero pets. Winter is planning on having 10 dogs and zero kids. They're going to live near the beach.
They still play with dolls sometimes. It's less and less now. Teetering on the edge of the preteen stage, both of them. They’re both showing some changes that mean they’re probably going to leave childhood soon and it’s so sad and so exciting at the same time. I’m glad they have each other to go through these next few years of awkward with. And I’m glad I have two more littles who are still completely children in every way
The kids like doing fake YouTube videos. They pretend someone is taking a video of them talking about something like building a train track. And if you talk during a recording, you get yelled at by the YouTube star.
We finally got to celebrate Mya's birthday 6 weeks later. She just wanted 3 friends to come swimming with her. It was way harder to make that happen than we expected. But she was patient and it was a lovely day.
"Mom, can you hang out and talk to me?" And by that he meant sit and listen to him talk for 30 minutes. Angus isn't great at being alone with his thoughts.
He had a sub Tuesday. 😊 (Winter)
After weeks of staying inside avoiding smokey air, they're back at it. This pool, some sweatpants and reading glasses are the best purchases I've made since March.
My kids really like these masks. They sell them at Costco. They have an adult version I like too. I went back and got more.
Another thing I recommend is listening to Dax Shepherd's Armchair Expert podcast bonus episode entitled "Day 7" that he released recently. He's so open and vulnerable (like he always is) about relapsing after 16 years sober. It's heartbreaking but so relatable when he talks about justifying our thoughts and actions to ourselves and the gray areas we all have. It's not super uplifting but it's refreshing and honest. (There is some adult language so don't listen in front of little ears)
Happy Thursday night, happy October and happy Fall to y'all!
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