Sunday, November 22, 2020

shoot, there's a car in my hair

Dan took Mya to Hume Lake's father-daughter retreat last weekend. Last year she was supposed to go but got sick the day they were supposed to leave so he took Winter instead. This year, we weren't sure it would happen but it did. It was a bit different of course but they had an awesome time. Mya is a daddy's girl so she was beyond excited to have him all to herself for a weekend.

Back at home, here is Winter playing paw patrol in her leopard vest and matching heels.

Angus was driving his car around and thought he'd drive into Addie's hair. It got impressively stuck. 

This is our neighbor Star. She likes to sunbathe on our sunny side of the street. She lives on the shady side.

The girls have never once had any interest in where the water goes. Angus is obsessed.

"I feel like my arms and my shoulders are just so cute."

He tried a sour patch kid for the first time. Not a fan.

Monopoly. Winter's losing.

Looking too grown up and too fabulous.

Have you seen The Queen's Gambit yet? It's a mini-series on Netflix. If you're bothered by some language and adult content, it may not be for you. But it is so well done. Each one-hour episode is like watching a movie in the theater. It's good. The kid from love actually is in it and he's all grown up. But the main actresses (both the young and grown-up versions of Beth) did an amazing job. The whole cast was pretty impressive actually. I didn't think I'd like it but I loved it.
Watch the trailer here.

Happy Thanksgiving week to you all! I'm just as happy as the kids are to get a break from school.
If you have a minute, make a list of everything you can think of to be thankful for today. I promise it will give you a better perspective.


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