Sunday, December 13, 2020

elves, butter and blueberry eyes


The big girls are digging their hand-me-down onesies. Thanks Nancy! I have to say that these styles are like they are wearing their personalities on the outside. Mya is bright and clean with bits of sparkle. Winter is a whole lot of unruly colors comin' atcha in a fun way.

Heard around here lately:

Addie: Imagine how bad the world would be without butter.
Winter: When I get excited, I start to drool.
Angus: Get outta the way!! I have to fart!!

We've been getting lots of packages delivered and they are always in plain sight and yet, the littles have not figured out that there's no Santa. 
Amazon packages placed by the chimney with care =)

Angus's hat of choice for hat day. H is for hat.

Otter gets tons of love these days, whether she likes it or not.

I'm not a huge fan of this little tradition of the girls climbing up the ladder with Dan to hang Christmas lights.

It makes Winter a little nervous too, even though it was her idea.

Mya loves it.

On my walk in Glendora. Gorgeous.

When you've been married for 12 years, romance is doing something for the other person that they hate doing themselves. When Dan handles the elf shenanigans, it gets me every time. I'm serious. 
I love him for it.

Bro time.

Angus loves playing with our kids' nativity set. He calls the baby Jesus "Baby God" and the angels are "fairies."

Outside looking at our Christmas lights with our neighbor dog.


I can't think of any recommendations this time but I do have two tricks in the kitchen I learned this week. 

Okay, so the first one. You know how when you need a stick of softened butter, often there is only a rock solid one in the fridge? A good way to get perfectly softened butter is to turn it on it's edge so the butter is verticle in your microwave. Cook for 10 seconds, flip it around on the opposite end and microwave for 10 more seconds. I don't have a microwave but if I did I would be doing this every single time I baked anything. You're welcome.

And the 2nd trick. I got to visit my fabulous friend Karla in Palm Springs recently. We woke up to coffee with no creamer in the house. You know what my brilliant friend did? She pulled out a thing of ice cream from the freezer. Ice cream! Duh. It's just frozen creamer basically. And who knows what kinds of yummy flavors are in your freezer. So smart. 

That's it! Stay safe and healthy my friends and fam. 
Love and hugs,

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