Tuesday, July 27, 2021

YOU get covid! and YOU get covid! and YOU get covid!

It finally happened. Last week, the Wags got Covid. Well, the little wags did anyway. Dan and I have managed to stay healthy for some reason. When you have a litter of kids, you get used to getting all the things. Stomach flu, lice, hand foot and mouth, and all other contagious diseases going around. Kids are good at spreading that stuff. I'm surprised it has taken this long, honestly.

 Like dominoes, Winter, then Mya, then Angus and then finally Addie tested positive. But before all of that happened, I have nice pics to share...

Mya went away on her first camp away from home. So far away. It was in Arizona. Dan and I worried the whole time but she had a blast. 

Here's the traditional prayer circle by the flagpole. I love that they always do this before going anywhere.

The sweetest girls.

And while Mya was away and the little two were at VBS, I took Winter to an all-you-can-eat sushi place for lunch. She's new to the whole idea of restaurants challenging you to eat as much as you can. She didn't believe they were actually letting her do that. Winter is a special 10-year-old. She can out eat most men. So, yeah, we got our money's worth. 

It was Dan's birthday on the 17th so we visited him at work and played around with the hoses and stuff.

A couple of mom friends and their boys hung out for dinner and Winter was in heaven. She has loved boys since she was 2 years old and that hasn't changed at all since.

And then everyone got Covid. Winter was the first to get it and the first to recover. I set up the pool out back since we'd be staying away from the neighborhood pool for at least 10 days.

Angus: Mom, do you think there's a ball in these headphones... or not?
Me: I think there's definitely a ball in there.
Angus: HOW'D YOU KNOW???

There were lots of Covid naps...

And a fire to boot. 

For recommendations this week, I love these little earbuds. They were super cheap on Amazon and cute which totally matters. I've been using them daily on my walks and I love them.

This isn't really a recommendation. It's just a brag. Dan makes the best fish tacos, beans and rice. He makes a mango salsa, a creamy sauce and he's got the beans and rice down to a science. That's all.

Angus is allergic to milk products. He can have eggs and meat. Just no milk, cheese or anything made with milk. He's been begging me for quiche. I used to buy one from Trader Joe's that he loved more than life itself. So, I tried my hand at vegan quiche. I bought some vegan cheese, vegan cream and I even made a pie crust from scratch. He said he liked it at first but never ate another bite again. He's sweet like that. "Yeah it's really good mom!" I had some today and it's pretty much the worst thing I've ever tasted. Sorry, buddy. Anywho, my recommendation is this. Do not try to make ANYTHING with vegan cheese. It's the worst. Oh, I also made pizza with that stuff. Still not good. Fake cheese. Booooo.

My last recommendation is actually a good recommendation. Have you heard of the app, Libby? It's an ebook and audiobook app that's free. You can enter your library card info and get access to your local library and all of the audiobooks offered which is quite a lot. So, if you're into audiobooks, or you're tired of your podcasts, check it out if you haven't already. It's completely free and easy to use. I've been listening to audiobooks on my morning walks. 
The app looks like this:

Well, happy Tuesday friends! 

1 comment:

  1. This was so nice to read Amie! Hope the kiddos feel better! Oh BTW.....I don't like store-bought vegan cheeses either....that's why I make my own. God bless your little family. xoxoxox
