When summer ended and school started, life sped up. I still feel like I'm running behind it yelling wait for me! while people throw things at me (halloween costumes, class parties, school pickups, homework folders, soccer cleats etc.) This time of year always feels this way but I think it's a bit more because of all the limited activities last year. But all in all, we're doing great.
Heard around here...
Mya: (from upstairs) Angus can you bring me two trash bags, please?
Angus: No! I just want to watch Paw Patrol and have a good life!
Winter: Eeew Addie, did you just come over here and fart?!
Addie: No!... Oh wait. Yes.
Angus: Mom, can I do chores for money?
Me: Yeah. You can help put away the dishes. I'll give you a quarter every time.
Angus: Well, I actually need dollars. #4thkid
Winter: It's funny how many questions we ask you all the time, huh.
Me: Hilarious (as Addie and Angus start fighting)
Winter: You have an intense life, mom.
The girls tried to exclude Angus from their tea party but he wasn't having it.
A friend gave me this awesome water bottle as a gift. Angus has taken it hostage and has made it his school water bottle. He calls it his "Gold Grannies" water bottle.
Mya spoils these children. I admire her patience and nurturing heart. And I love that she calls all 3 of her siblings "the kids" like she's co-parenting with me. 💕
Back in early October...
It was 100 degrees that day so we took our picnic indoors. (I think Mya was doing homework. She's a busy girl lately)
But mostly the weather has been lovely...
I have never seen Addie get more furious than she gets with Angus. However, there are few people she loves more. I love them.
Angus thought this deserved a spot on the fridge. I like his confidence.
Soccer paparazzi here...
I usually find Angus on a "water break" instead of actually playing. He's all tangled up in his net shirt thingy.
I'm going to start calling Saturdays and Sundays naked weekends. At least for the littles they are. It would be inappropriate for anyone else to walk around like this.
I paid Mya to clean out the storage so we could get to the costume box for Halloween. This always happens.
We have an awesome pastor. He's not boring at all. But this one fell asleep mid-sermon.
I like to take pics of them when they are all sitting together. And what a lovely parking lot backdrop.
(Five minutes after we put our names in, waiting for a table, hadn't even entered the restaurant yet...)
"Ugh, when is our food gonna get here??"
Waiting to pick up Addie. Takin sunroof pics.
Not really sure what these girls are doing... random poses in the middle of the street, being 12 💗
So nice of Angus to give his tools his pillow to sleep on.
I went to high school with most of these dear people. I'm not going to say how long we've known each other but 25 years is a long time. None of them have kids so they continued the PJ birthday celebration and I headed home at the ungodly hour of 10pm.
This lunch box keeps food cold all day. Mya picked it out on Amazon so she gets all the credit. All the other kids come home with warm snacks usually, which is super annoying. I don't even want to think about the number of warm gogurts that have gone into the trash lately.
This lunch box could sit in the sun all day and keep food just as cold as it was in the morning. It's pretty magical. And affordable. And there are 41 different patterns to choose from. I'm trying to convince the other kids to get the same kind. It's hard to tear them away from their beloved Paw Patrol, Hello Kitty and JoJo Seewa ones they're currently using.
That's all I got! Happy Halloween prepping. I am not a fan of the holiday as I'm sure I've mentioned before. It's mainly the costume thing I have beef with. And the four little people that can't decide what they want to be until a few days before Halloween when they desperately need something I can only find on Amazon that may or may not arrive in time. BUT, I do like this little meme. 💗 I would totally be the ghost to forget her sheet.
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