Sunday, January 30, 2022

riding the wave of life

It has been an eventful January. Dan, Mya and I got covid. The rest of the kids didn't. As soon as we were feeling better and ready to go back to school and work, we discovered mold in our kitchen. So we hired mold removal professionals to come and handle the problem. They taped off our family room, kitchen and downstairs bathroom. So now we are living out of our living room. Our table is in the playroom and our fridge is next to the TV. It has been fun to get creative with how we make breakfast, lunch and dinner. But not super fun. I'm ready to have the kitchen back. I get the sink back on Tuesday so that's exciting. I don't have a stove for a while since the floors need to be redone. The good thing about bad things happening in life is that it makes you appreciate the small things you take for granted, like a sink.

Angus discovered something life-changing today. His headphones plug into the Roku remote. He can hear his TV shows and we don't have to listen anymore. I cannot tell you how happy that makes me.

This was back when I could sit in the family room before we knew we had mold. Addie's face is so tiny, it's the size of my hand.

Winter went to winter camp with a group from church. She had a blast and made some awesome camp memories. I love how independent she is. She didn't have any second thoughts about being a couple of hours from home up in the local mountains. That was the first time she'd been away from home like that and I don't even think she was the least bit homesick. I sent her away with no pillow and bedding and she still was fine. She borrowed another little girl's extra sleeping bag and made her jacket into a pillow. In my defense, I grabbed her suitcase and told her to grab the rest of her stuff and she didn't grab her pillow out of the trunk that contained her bedding as well as the pillow. BUT I am her mom and should have double-checked to make sure she had all of her stuff. I accept 50% of the blame.

Another Daddy dogpile.

Otter got her cone off and visited the groomer. 💖

That's it! Go Rams.

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