Sunday, July 24, 2022

summer stuff 2022

 Summer has been one camp or trip after another so far. I've posted about camping in Kernville & our trip to Arkansas, so here's what else has been happening...

Heard around here...

Me: (1,000 times at the pool) "Stop going underwater when I'm talking to you!"

Angus: Don't flick me Addie, I'm a ninja.

Angus is notorious for his terrible knock-knock jokes. They never make sense and they're never funny. 

Angus: Knock knock

Addie: Uuuuggghhh, who's there? (eye roll)

Angus: Dead

Addie: Dead who

Angus Dead meat of deadness. 

Addie: *Shakes head & walks away*

Told you.

While we were in Arkansas, Mya went to Jr. High camp in San Clemente. She had a blast. 

This is Addie sending a happy bday pic to her bestie =)

These two mostly get along, but sometimes they don't... and then they build barricades with Costco groceries.

VBS week, 3 campers and 1 worker.

Father's Day

I told Addie I'm tired of seeing her tongue in every picture. She promised to work on it.

Winter's last year at Camp Idrafoje

Mya attended the camp too but as a worker. She was in the kitchen crew. 

And she carried Winter's bags to the teepee. All the workers have to carry all the campers' bags =)

They were both super exhausted when they got home 4 days later.

Not sure what this is... a weird pyramid, dogpile?

This is such a summer pic 🌞

My boss Sherri and I had never met in person until recently. I'm her assistant from afar =). We met on zoom in May of 2020. I totally love her. She was in town and stopped by and we finally got to give each other a real-life hug. Dan was super bummed that he was working and missed her, but the kids were home, and true to form, they were not shy. Mya's taking the pic, Angus is the hulk, Winter is giving her bunny ears and Addie's tongue is out. Again. Angus talked her ear off, Winter asked her random questions, Addie showed her some handstands and Mya mostly watched her in curiosity. 

A week ago, Dan and I decided that the kids needed a break from screens & TV. So we instituted a new rule. No TV or screens on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. It's not going well. But I'm determined that it's worth the whining, bickering and extra messes they make.

Dan had a birthday last week! I love Addie's card =)

Speaking of getting old, my hip is the first body part to betray me. I tore some hip cartilage last year (not sure if that heals itself or not) and I guess I have some type of bone deformity? I'm not completely convinced of that info. The specialist says it's genetic but no one in my family has hip problems (besides our 14-year-old lab). 

So I did some PT and the PT expert told me to start bicycling. It's easy on the joints, great for the supporting muscles around the hip, and great exercise. I convinced Mya to go on a 7.5 mile bike ride around a nearby reservoir. It was only supposed to be 6.4 miles but we got a little lost. Siri's not much of a trail expert and my terrible sense of direction didn't help, but we made it back in one piece. I'm down to do it again. I think I'll be able to find my way this time. Mya said to ask her again in a week. She's not sure yet =)

We paid a visit to our favorite family of 8.

Nelly has the most impressive bedhead.

Everyone's growing up 💖

The Higerds make 'em tall. These two have always been around the same height. Winter isn't giving up that extra quarter inch.

That smug look.

'Till next time friends!

Happy Sunday! Is it really almost August??

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