Tuesday, June 25, 2013

mystery rotten cheeseburger smell

About a week ago I took the girls to In-N-Out. Who am I kidding? That's a treat for me. The girls had some too. The next day I took a mini vacation with my lady friends. It was super lovely by the way. My mom and husband took turns watching the girls.

My car was left parked at my house sitting in the sun. When I returned and eventually needed to drive it, I opened the door and immediately started gagging. It smelled so horrible that I was sure something died in my car. I rolled all the windows down, held my nose and started looking for the source of the nastiness. It kind of smelled like a rotten cheeseburger so I assumed it was coming from something In-N-Out related. I found some trash, clothes, toys, you know, the usual. I searched high and low and cleaned out every speck of anything in that car. It was definitely coming from the backseat.

It reminds me of that movie "Grumpy Old Men" when one of the grumpy men puts a dead fish in the other guy's backseat and it takes him a while to find it. And he's driving around making ugly faces because the smell is so bad ha! Except this time it's a cheeseburger. Love that movie. 

It has been over a week and the smell keeps coming back. I have aired it out for hours each day, fabrezed it and continue to look for the rotten cheeseburger. I have yet to find it. When my husband comes home from work, I will have him take a crack at it. The car seats must come out and a thorough vacuum job needs to occur. Both tasks I leave to him most of the time.

A friend suggested I buy a new car. I am considering it. Thank goodness the morning sickness has subsided. I would be in pretty bad shape. And who knows how long it will be before I return to my beloved fast-food joint :-(

Stay tuned!


These pictures below were actually taken in St. Helena at my all time favorite burger joint (that used to be called Taylor's Refresher and is now called Gott's Bro's) but they seemed appropriate.


(6/26 update: My husband found the smell. It was an unidentified moldy substance lodged between the plastic and fabric of Winter's carseat. I did not think a picture would benefit anyone.)

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