Friday, February 28, 2014

pink stuff

Mya: "Moooommmmy! Winter got the pink stuff! She got a lot of pink stuff!"

Me:"Okay, I'll be up in a minute! Wait, what pink stuff?!" Crap! Please say toothpaste.

Mya: "The one in the bottle!"

After dinner last night, I sent the girls upstairs to brush their teeth and get into jammies. Winter took it upon herself to have a little dessert also known as acetaminophen. Childproof? Guess not.

I ran upstairs to find an empty bottle on the sink. It was full. And Winter smelled like pink bubblegum.

Me: "Mya, did she drink this?"

Mya: "Yeah, and she poured some into the sink down that little hole but I washed it." (Thanks Mya)

Me: "How much did she drink?"

Mya: "Ummm, like a lot."

Me: "Winter, how much did you drink?"

Winter: "I did 4... or 10. It's yummy Mommy. It's so pretty and sweet."

Me: "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!"

A trip to the ER and five hours later, Winter was back home and Tylenol free. Never a dull moment.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

a dark day

Dan will be losing one of his true loves in early April and he is devastated. We have recently discovered that our favorite sushi place is closing soon. The chef is moving to Seattle to start a family. We are happy for him but we are very sad that he is leaving. 

Two years ago, we found David the sushi chef at Fusion Sushi 313 in Glendora and have been going there 3 or 4 times a month since. David is an artist and has become a friend. (Next time we go, I'll take a pic of David)

I have never seen Dan happier (other than our wedding day and the birth of our children) than when we are driving to go have sushi. He's like an 8 year old Christmas morning. I love it too but Dan gets more attached to things and people. We have come to know the regular customers and David the chef. 

We could spend all night just talking and eating sushi. We don't even order anything anymore. We just let him create whatever he wants and we always love it. He knows what we like and we trust him. 

He has the freshest sushi we've ever tasted and it is always fresh. He pays more to get the good stuff and it's so worth it. He has about 50 different sauces he uses and they are all amazing. He has worked in all types of restaurants and incorporates different cultures and flavors into his sushi that no one else would think of. Hence the name, Fusion Sushi. We have become super spoiled.

Dan is always looking forward to the next Sushi night. He counts the days on the calendar and asks, "Is it time to go to sushi again yet?" We always get there early to make sure to get a seat at the bar so we can talk to David. We love talking to him because he has no filter and is very honest. He also has the best high pitched laugh. 

There have been a couple of times when we've gone to have sushi and it is closed because David is sick or just not feeling great. We both pout for a little while and end up going elsewhere and are disappointed every time. We end up talking about how much we love David and why. Dan says things like, "You know what else I love about David?, he knows what I like." 

It kind of feels like our own personal Cheers, where everybody knows your name...

We are going to miss it SOOO much. So if you see Dan in April and he looks sad, give him a hug and tell him it's going to be alright :)

This was on Dan's birthday. Of course this is what he wanted to do:

This is what David makes me (when I'm not pregnant). It's a salad with sashimi and a California roll.

This was just one of Dan's dishes last time we were there:

If you like sushi, you must visit David before he leaves. You won't be sorry. (Don't go on Friday or Saturday night. Too crowded) 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

kid quotes


"Mommy I'm tired. I need a banana so I can't get tired."

"Mommy your body's so big you can't fall in the potty. Yeah mommy you're so big."

Me: "What should we name our pet caterpillar?" 
Winter: "Ellie the Elephant!"

"Look Mommy, I made a horse house!" (Sounded like something else)


(Crying) "Winter threw her dolly at my eyebrow!"

Dan ordered a new trashcan online. When it arrived at the house Mya said, "Look what the trash man brought us Daddy!"

Monday, February 17, 2014


Dan got the girls a hula hoop for Christmas. I told him they were way too young to use it but Mya has proven me wrong once again. She practiced over and over again until she got it. She's a persistent little thing. 

(If you can't view this on your phone, try your PC)

Winter tried...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

God answers little prayers

Mya has a cool puzzle game that I got on because of course Mari recommended it :-) She loves it but we are constantly losing the pieces. So last Wednesday, there were a bunch of kids here and the puzzle pieces were everywhere. We found them all but one. We've been looking for that missing green piece every day but no luck. She's been saying about three times a day, "I sure wish we could find that green piece." 

So yesterday, I decided that we were going to find it once and for all. I tore the living room apart where we found the rest of the pieces. I moved the couch, removed the cushions, rolled up the rug but still nothing. 

Usually, when I lose something and have tried my best to find it, I finally give up and say a prayer. And 100% of the time, I find it shortly after. So, I told Mya she was going to have to ask Jesus to find this one for her because Mommy tried and couldn't do it. So she prayed, "Dear Jesus, please help me to find my puzzle so it can't be lost anymore, in Jesus name, Amen!" 

I kid you not, 2 seconds after she said Amen, I found the piece lodged under the hid-abed bar! I love that God understands that little things like puzzle pieces are a big deal to a 4 year old. 

Matthew 21:22 "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

quiet time

Mya fell asleep playing Mahjong :)

Winter fell asleep watching Dora...

baby fell asleep nursing...

doggie fell asleep too

and that is how I have time to blog :)

This is not an everyday occurrence. I do treasure these silent moments.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


So it happened again. Good ol' Mari gave me an idea for a blog post. I should call this Mari's idea blog :) I was talking about how I need to start documenting all of the cute things my kids say like when Mya says every time instead of all the time and I'm so busy instead of dizzy. She sugguested I post them on my blog. So I took a few videos. I wish I would have taken more of these when the girls were little but it's never too late to start...

(if you can't view the videos on your phone, try your PC)