Friday, February 28, 2014

pink stuff

Mya: "Moooommmmy! Winter got the pink stuff! She got a lot of pink stuff!"

Me:"Okay, I'll be up in a minute! Wait, what pink stuff?!" Crap! Please say toothpaste.

Mya: "The one in the bottle!"

After dinner last night, I sent the girls upstairs to brush their teeth and get into jammies. Winter took it upon herself to have a little dessert also known as acetaminophen. Childproof? Guess not.

I ran upstairs to find an empty bottle on the sink. It was full. And Winter smelled like pink bubblegum.

Me: "Mya, did she drink this?"

Mya: "Yeah, and she poured some into the sink down that little hole but I washed it." (Thanks Mya)

Me: "How much did she drink?"

Mya: "Ummm, like a lot."

Me: "Winter, how much did you drink?"

Winter: "I did 4... or 10. It's yummy Mommy. It's so pretty and sweet."

Me: "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!"

A trip to the ER and five hours later, Winter was back home and Tylenol free. Never a dull moment.

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