Wednesday, February 12, 2014

God answers little prayers

Mya has a cool puzzle game that I got on because of course Mari recommended it :-) She loves it but we are constantly losing the pieces. So last Wednesday, there were a bunch of kids here and the puzzle pieces were everywhere. We found them all but one. We've been looking for that missing green piece every day but no luck. She's been saying about three times a day, "I sure wish we could find that green piece." 

So yesterday, I decided that we were going to find it once and for all. I tore the living room apart where we found the rest of the pieces. I moved the couch, removed the cushions, rolled up the rug but still nothing. 

Usually, when I lose something and have tried my best to find it, I finally give up and say a prayer. And 100% of the time, I find it shortly after. So, I told Mya she was going to have to ask Jesus to find this one for her because Mommy tried and couldn't do it. So she prayed, "Dear Jesus, please help me to find my puzzle so it can't be lost anymore, in Jesus name, Amen!" 

I kid you not, 2 seconds after she said Amen, I found the piece lodged under the hid-abed bar! I love that God understands that little things like puzzle pieces are a big deal to a 4 year old. 

Matthew 21:22 "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

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