Wednesday, May 6, 2015

meet angus

Mom is here helping with the kids, making it possible for me to get a few minutes to post these pics and a quick summary of the birth. I'm so spoiled. I have no idea what it's like to have 4 kids yet.

I was worried that the 4th delivery would be fast and painful and prayed I would make it to the hospital in time to deliver. An epidural would be a bonus in my mind. But since little man took his time, we decided to induce four days after his due date came and went. 

What a great idea. We woke up at 5AM, grabbed some coffee and a bagel and went to the hospital to check in. How relaxing and different than the first 3. We had a full nights sleep and were ready to go. I've always gone into labor at 10:00 at night so we never got that last night of sleep before the big event. We laughed at how laid back and refreshed we were walking into have a baby. 

Around 7:00AM they started the pitocin on a low dose since I was already dilated to 4 centimeters and I warned them it would be fast. I insisted on the epidural right away so Dr. Chan, epidural extraordinaire came in and hooked it up around 7:50. He's done all my epidurals so I was happy it was him. After a weird reaction to the epidural, dizziness low blood pressure and high blood pressure, I was stable and the doctor upped the pitocin and broke my water. I puked shortly after that like I tend to do while in labor. No biggie. I quickly dilated to a 10 and was ready to push. Three pushes and little A was out! He had the cord wrapped around his neck twice with his hand in there too. He was a bit blue but pinked up quick. 

He is by far the longest, skinniest baby we've had measuring 21.5 inches and weighing 7.13 lbs. Lots of hair like the girls too. He's really mellow and rarely cries. I like him a lot. He's not as aggressive an eater as Winter and Addie but he's catching on and doing great. I'm doing well too. I'm dealing with the usual soreness from breastfeeding and cloudiness from no sleep but I know that this first month will be over in a blink and he will change drastically and quickly so I'm just trying to soak up every day with my new little bundle. 

The girls are super excited about him and want to hold him every second of the day. Addie brings him his blanky and gets upset when he cries. Other than that, her world doesn't really seem to be affected much. Grandma is here giving her tons of attention too. 

Well, that's the gist! Here we are, fam of 6!

big feet!

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