Friday, July 31, 2015

potty chair

This is Angus's pooping chair. It's where he does his business. Something about the angle of it gets him going every time. Very weird. Or maybe it's like how dogs always poop in the same spot. Not sure but he rarely poops anywhere else. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Winter has always liked the blonde older boys. Usually around 12 or 13 years of age. I know, not good. Both years at VBA (vacation bible adventure) she has claimed the boy junior worker as her own and held his hand the whole week. They were both blonde =) 

She has been in love with this guy, Jack Anderson since she was pretty much a baby. He's cute and smart and has about 100 girls fighting over him these days. He's way too patient and sweet with Winter. His grandma told me she sat like this with him for like an hour the other day. So cute. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

icky icky

Kids are icky. When you're a mom, you get to see way more of your kids than you want to. Like what comes out of them. All day long. There are usually boogers on the toilet paper roll. I go to grab some toilet paper and there is often a giant booger just sitting there. Not sure who the culprit is... I think it's Mya. Winter usually just wipes her hands on whatever is most convenient. At least they are not on the walls like when my brother was little. We used to find boogers everywhere. Especially when we pulled out the bunk beds and found a very thick line of them hiding beside his bed. gross.

Well this week we entered a whole new world of icky. One that I was oblivious to before now... The world of LICE. When you think of lice, you think of dirty children covered in bugs, well that's what I think of. I remember this girl in my class getting lice when I was 8 and she always smelled funny. She was not a clean child. That's what I think of... Anyway, the dirty icky bugs made their way into the Wagenbrenner home. I'm itching just writing this. 

There was an outbreak in the hood so we went to Mari's and had her check us all. We found a couple of nits on Winter. That's what they're called, nits. Hence the term "nit picking." I have learned a lot. Countless hours browsing the internet while breastfeeding and questions to my more experienced mom friends and I think I'm starting to understand the life of a louse. 

As I was pulling out of the driveway today, instead of my usual Pandora station, I was surprised to hear a man talk about how lice do not discriminate. They are not ageist, sexist, racist etc. Any human hair will do. My blue tooth in my van picked up a video was watching on my phone earlier. I quickly turned it down, relieved no one was around to hear it. 

So we did the whole rigamarole with the washing everything, combing the hair and putting it in braids and buns, the best defense against lice. Here's a pick of the girls after their "treatment." We only found a couple nits on Winter but no one is safe...

Winter ALWAYS wears her hair down. She does not like it up AT ALL. So, she was not happy with her new do. 


Dan and I went out to dinner and mom watched the kids. It was lovely by the way. When we got home, she told us that as a result of winter "hugging" Addie she fell and cut her lip somehow. We checked on her and she seemed to be OK. In the morning mya woke me up. It's really not cool when I'm woken up in the morning. I don't get enough sleep most of the time. So when I get to sleep in with Angus, I'd better not be disturbed. I told her to go away but she whispered, "There is an emergency." I sat up alarmed and asked her what it was and she said that Addie cut her lip last night. I turned over and went back to sleep. I was impressed that she used the word emergency but we may have to review its definition. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

when angus is eating

When I'm feeding the baby, the kids usually congregate around me. Addie ALWAYS comes over and hangs out with us. She plays with Angus's feet, or climbs up on my legs and gives him kisses on the head. It's cute but annoying when I just want him to go to sleep. Here she is showing me her pretty princess gloves. I think they add a certain something to her look...

After I've burped him we hang out and rock for a little while. Here's a couple of videos of Addie in her usual spot =)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

kids are funny

They really are.

Mya asked my mom a few days ago if I had big boobies as a baby...

Winter: I don't like this applesauce. And it doesn't even taste like minions.

Yesterday as Addie was playing with Winter's herniated belly button, Winter yelled, "It's not a toy ya know!"

Tonight after brushing her teeth, Winter came in to show me a special dance. She twirled super fast, fell against the bed, then down to the floor and left frustrated letting one rip on her way out.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

addie cuteness

I've been asked what my favorite age is and I have to say 1 is pretty flippin' cute. She is by far the most work but man she's cute and fun.


It's a little late but happy 4th! I love the 4th of July. It's one of my favorite holidays. I think the fireworks and cheeseburgers really make it awesome. Plus I get emotional when I hear the patriotic songs. We live in the best country. So blessed.

trader joe's product review

Love this stuff! It's fake orange chicken =) They give you way too much sauce so you can mix it in with rice and veggies and it's perfect! Super good.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

the zoo

We've taken a couple of trips to the zoo lately. Only because I've been able to get in with guest passes, yessss. It has become surprisingly expensive these days to take your family to the zoo. The first time we went a month ago or so, the girls were more excited to ride the carousel than anything else. Their second favorite was the super over crowded park with a bazillion bees. Go figure.

I left Addie with mom so I didn't have to deal with a tiny baby and a big baby. I went with good ol' Mari ;) The girls had fun for a little while but started complaining about everything of course. The biggest ordeal was the fight over who was going to ride the unicorn on the carousel. They don't even exist! Why is there a unicorn on the zoo carousel. Maybe that's why Winter thinks they are real...

Anyway, so I paid way to much for the girls to take one ride on the carousel. Mya spotted the unicorn first and said that she was going to ride it, even though she knows it's Winter's fav animal in the whole wide world. So of course Winter broke down sobbing on the cement in the carousel line. So being the great mom that I am, I bribed Mya to let her sister ride the unicorn, I told her she could have any treat in the whole zoo that she wanted. So they were getting on the animals and Mya was looking for a good one when the lady announced that the ride was about to begin so Mya couldn't find anything awesome like the unicorn and wound up sitting on the boring old Zebra. Then she spotted a princess horse but it was too late. The ride was already going. She rode the Zebra with a frown the entire time. But Winter was happy. 

After that, Mya just wanted to go home...until we got to the play structure with all the bees.

So recently, we went to the zoo again with my mom and sister and it went a lot better. Mya told Winter about the princess horse so she chose that and Mya found a couple of interesting animals to ride including the unicorn. And when asked what their favorite part of the zoo was, it was the carousel, then the play structure, then the ice cream. What about the animals? I thought the baby goats were adorable and the jaguar was pretty cool but whatever. 

Oh and I accidentally left my backpack (with my wallet in it) by the carousel! I realized when I went to change the baby and had nothing to change him with. It was a very long walk back to the carousel and Angus was getting hungry so I left everyone with my mom at the play structure and bees and set out to find my backpack, having no idea which way the carousel even was... So I said a very urgent prayer to the man upstairs and He hooked it up like He always does. Just as I said "Amen" two park patrol guys on a golf cart drove up. I flagged them down and told them my situation and they seemed super eager to have an important job to do. We found the backpack and returned to hungry Angus in less than 5 minutes. Whew! How does one lose a giant backpack filled with everything she would need that day? No idea. I'm really out of it. I mean like super out of it. Most of the time, I have nothing to say. 

So I have a couple more guest passes and may return to the zoo one of these days. Here are some pics...

First trip:

All I got was the petting zoo, then I got too overwhelmed and hot to take pictures.

Second trip:

Angus slept the whole time. Love him.

 Not sure what this is but I remember taking a picture in this egg looking thing once.

 She went for 3 rides on this princess horse thanks to Auntie Wendy.

 Dumb unicorn. 

 No idea what she's riding... I'm not very educated on the different animal names. I think it's a real animal though, not a made up one.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


I've been pretty spoiled I guess. I rarely take the girls with me when I run my errands. I usually leave them with Dan. Lately he has been working a lot so I've just decided to bite the bullet and go ahead and take them all with me. I guess I should not have been surprised by our conversation today...

Me: Put your shoes on girls we are going to run some errands!
Mya: Mommy who is Miss Erin?
Me: No it just means we have a few places to go.
Winter: Mommy is we gonna run? I don't want to run!