Sunday, July 12, 2015

the zoo

We've taken a couple of trips to the zoo lately. Only because I've been able to get in with guest passes, yessss. It has become surprisingly expensive these days to take your family to the zoo. The first time we went a month ago or so, the girls were more excited to ride the carousel than anything else. Their second favorite was the super over crowded park with a bazillion bees. Go figure.

I left Addie with mom so I didn't have to deal with a tiny baby and a big baby. I went with good ol' Mari ;) The girls had fun for a little while but started complaining about everything of course. The biggest ordeal was the fight over who was going to ride the unicorn on the carousel. They don't even exist! Why is there a unicorn on the zoo carousel. Maybe that's why Winter thinks they are real...

Anyway, so I paid way to much for the girls to take one ride on the carousel. Mya spotted the unicorn first and said that she was going to ride it, even though she knows it's Winter's fav animal in the whole wide world. So of course Winter broke down sobbing on the cement in the carousel line. So being the great mom that I am, I bribed Mya to let her sister ride the unicorn, I told her she could have any treat in the whole zoo that she wanted. So they were getting on the animals and Mya was looking for a good one when the lady announced that the ride was about to begin so Mya couldn't find anything awesome like the unicorn and wound up sitting on the boring old Zebra. Then she spotted a princess horse but it was too late. The ride was already going. She rode the Zebra with a frown the entire time. But Winter was happy. 

After that, Mya just wanted to go home...until we got to the play structure with all the bees.

So recently, we went to the zoo again with my mom and sister and it went a lot better. Mya told Winter about the princess horse so she chose that and Mya found a couple of interesting animals to ride including the unicorn. And when asked what their favorite part of the zoo was, it was the carousel, then the play structure, then the ice cream. What about the animals? I thought the baby goats were adorable and the jaguar was pretty cool but whatever. 

Oh and I accidentally left my backpack (with my wallet in it) by the carousel! I realized when I went to change the baby and had nothing to change him with. It was a very long walk back to the carousel and Angus was getting hungry so I left everyone with my mom at the play structure and bees and set out to find my backpack, having no idea which way the carousel even was... So I said a very urgent prayer to the man upstairs and He hooked it up like He always does. Just as I said "Amen" two park patrol guys on a golf cart drove up. I flagged them down and told them my situation and they seemed super eager to have an important job to do. We found the backpack and returned to hungry Angus in less than 5 minutes. Whew! How does one lose a giant backpack filled with everything she would need that day? No idea. I'm really out of it. I mean like super out of it. Most of the time, I have nothing to say. 

So I have a couple more guest passes and may return to the zoo one of these days. Here are some pics...

First trip:

All I got was the petting zoo, then I got too overwhelmed and hot to take pictures.

Second trip:

Angus slept the whole time. Love him.

 Not sure what this is but I remember taking a picture in this egg looking thing once.

 She went for 3 rides on this princess horse thanks to Auntie Wendy.

 Dumb unicorn. 

 No idea what she's riding... I'm not very educated on the different animal names. I think it's a real animal though, not a made up one.

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