Saturday, July 25, 2015

icky icky

Kids are icky. When you're a mom, you get to see way more of your kids than you want to. Like what comes out of them. All day long. There are usually boogers on the toilet paper roll. I go to grab some toilet paper and there is often a giant booger just sitting there. Not sure who the culprit is... I think it's Mya. Winter usually just wipes her hands on whatever is most convenient. At least they are not on the walls like when my brother was little. We used to find boogers everywhere. Especially when we pulled out the bunk beds and found a very thick line of them hiding beside his bed. gross.

Well this week we entered a whole new world of icky. One that I was oblivious to before now... The world of LICE. When you think of lice, you think of dirty children covered in bugs, well that's what I think of. I remember this girl in my class getting lice when I was 8 and she always smelled funny. She was not a clean child. That's what I think of... Anyway, the dirty icky bugs made their way into the Wagenbrenner home. I'm itching just writing this. 

There was an outbreak in the hood so we went to Mari's and had her check us all. We found a couple of nits on Winter. That's what they're called, nits. Hence the term "nit picking." I have learned a lot. Countless hours browsing the internet while breastfeeding and questions to my more experienced mom friends and I think I'm starting to understand the life of a louse. 

As I was pulling out of the driveway today, instead of my usual Pandora station, I was surprised to hear a man talk about how lice do not discriminate. They are not ageist, sexist, racist etc. Any human hair will do. My blue tooth in my van picked up a video was watching on my phone earlier. I quickly turned it down, relieved no one was around to hear it. 

So we did the whole rigamarole with the washing everything, combing the hair and putting it in braids and buns, the best defense against lice. Here's a pick of the girls after their "treatment." We only found a couple nits on Winter but no one is safe...

Winter ALWAYS wears her hair down. She does not like it up AT ALL. So, she was not happy with her new do. 

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