Monday, September 28, 2015

fat kids

I've decided I will make a date with my computer every Monday night and update the ol' blog. I tried to think of something catchy that rhymes or something like taco Tuesdays (I know that doesn't rhyme) but nothing comes to mind... so blog Monday it is. How uncreative.

People keep asking me if Angus is the chubbiest baby I've ever had. I don't think anyone remembers the others. They were all quite fat. It's my milk people. It's like super creamy or something. Because as soon as I stop breastfeeding, away it goes and the real baby comes out. Then we get to see what they actually look like. Here are the pics I pulled up from Facebook:


Mya was probably the chubbiest. Her cheeks took over her face. She was also very short so that just added to the chubby. For some reason I tried to hide Mya's chubbiness in pics like she had a weight problem I didn't want people to know about. I always tried to get the most slimming angle. So I don't have a real picture of the rolls unfortunately. But I can assure you, they were there.


Yep, check out that fat lady bug. She was more like a roly poly haha. Winter has always been my eater. She will eat anything and a lot of it. She's even trying to eat the straw in that first pic. Mya calls her an "eater girl."


She was teenie but oh so cute. She had thighs for days.

And Angus: 

He's definitely the tallest but fattest? I dunno, he's got some stiff competition I think. How fun it has been to squeeze all of those little rolls. One of my favorite parts about being a mommy.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Well for some reason, I find myself with nothing to do and some time to blog. Go figure. Soooo, we're still recovering from our "vacation." I prefer "beach trip." That sounds more like it. Wow, am I exhausted. I'm still tired. I haven't recovered yet. It doesn't help that Angus has a cold now so he can't breath and is snorting and coughing and waking up at night. Anywho, I will try to only talk about the highlights.

So, the day we headed out, Dan had ALOT of stuff to squeeze into the back of the van. He is pretty awesome at packing a lot of stuff into a small space so I didn't doubt he could do it. HOWEVER, he forgot about the double stroller after the van was packed packed packed. So, we decided to take two cars. That way we could bring EVERYTHING we wanted to. And so we did. The baby's exersaucer was an afterthought but he pretty much lived in that thing. So glad we brought it!

We've been going to Newport Beach for vacation for 4 years now. Winter was 8 months old the first time we went. She learned to crawl on that sandy tile floor. How the time has flown. Each year is a little different. I've been pregnant on two trips and we've had a baby under 1 year old on 3 of our trips. Even though our family looks a little different each time we go, we've kept some of the same traditions. 

We love to ride our bikes everywhere. Once you move your car you're a gonner so it stays parked the whole time we're there. Dan moved his truck to return some surfboards and will NEVER do that again. Took him 30 minutes and a margarita to get over the tramatic experience of parking at the beach on a Friday night. 

This year, Angus was too little to ride on a bike trailer so I scored some K2 roller blades on Ebay and roller bladed everywhere the whole trip. We walked quite a bit too. The girls rode their bikes and Dan had Addie in the bike trailer. He carried her on the shorter walks. 

Dan's cousin Wendy and her family stayed upstairs this year which was SO fun. We LOVE them. And Mya LOVE LOVE LOVES her cousin Taylin. They were inseparable the whole trip. Mya had a timeout one morning and Taylin must have come down 5 times in 10 minutes to see if she could play. The next morning Mya started giving me attitude and Taylin begged me not to give her another timeout. They were very cute. Wendy's cousin Jason is super active so he insisted on renting surfboards and paddle boards so Dan got to go out on both which was fun. He LOVES paddle boarding. And he had another dude around which was nice for him. Normally he is surrounded by ladies...obviously. 

One of our favorite things about renting the house on the boardwalk is the people we meet. I used to think Newport people were super snobby. I'm beginning to think I just want them to be snobby because they're rich but they're for the most part friendly. This one lady walked by daily with her big white dogs. She let the girls walk them and pet them and lay on them. One lady walked up with a pit bull and let the girls pet it. It made me really nervous so I told the girls I didn't want them petting any more pit bulls. So from then on, Mya would ask, "Is your dog a pimple?!" And people would look at her confused and say no. Then she would ask if she could pet the dog. =)

And we met a dad and his 6 year old son that were super sweet. I had Angus in the bjorn and Dan was back at the house with Addie so the dad took Mya out on the boogyboard. He also gave me suggestions of things to do with kids around the town. They live on Lido island, vacation in Italy for the summer and the 6 year old has sailing lessons on Saturday mornings. And the guy didn't appear to work at all the whole time we were there. Some life huh.

Our next door neighbors this year were so fun. I hope they come back next year. On our right is a rental unit so "normal" people like us rent it out. This year a few couples in their 50's joined us mid trip. They were really laid back and friendly. Winter referred to one gentleman as "my friend with the big belly." He did have an impressively large belly. They liked to smoke pot early in the morning, sit in their beach chairs in the afternoon and play 70's rock on their stereo. And they were from Glendora, Azusa and LaVern. Go figure. 

The people on the left were not renters. They were very unfriendly. They rarely said a word to us but whatever. It was a couple in their late 20's, early 30's? Engaged with no kids. We probably scared them with our many offspring. 

We usually go grocery shopping and cook while we're there but Dan decided a couple days into the trip that he just didn't want to. So I said okay and we ordered in or ate out most days. When you have four little kids you are just exhausted by dinner time. Especially when those kids go to bed late and wake up early EVERY day of "vacation." But I'm not complaining ;)

Every day we would wake up and go to our favorite coffee shop on the pier, Newport Coffee Co. I would get my usual soy decaf blended Vanilla late and the girls would get their usual, choco milk. Dan would go check out the fresh fish spot called the Dory while we waited for our drinks. 

Once a year, Dan and I go nuts and get all the junk food we love to eat. Once a year in Newport. I get my fav chewy chips ahoy and BBQ potato chips and Dan gets his cheddar popcorn and animal cookies. And there's lots beer and margaritas. I think I gained 10 pounds in one week. Totally worth it. 

There are so many positives about staying in a beach house but to be fair there are a couple of cons. We always get a ton of flies because the door stays open the whole time and it's so hot in September. They hang out in the kitchen so I just have to keep it really clean. I brought some fly traps but they were totally worthless. Another thing is there is no AC anywhere by the beach. I guess they only need it like one month out of the year so it's not worth it. But holy cow. It gets so sticky and sweaty. Even at night. But it's all totally worth it.

Every night we gathered together to watch the sun go down. It's really cool because everyone on the bike path and the beach stops and looks at the sunset. Then after it goes down, they carry on with their evening. But for 20 minutes or so, everyone is still. It was a daily reminder that God is in control of the sun and everything else. 

We had lots of visitors and my mom stayed with us the second half of the trip. We love having her there. I think Dan relaxes a bit more because there is another capable person to help with the kids and she's so easy and mellow. My sister Wendy stayed a couple nights too. I always love to see her, especially since she's two whole hours away from me now. =( It's always fun to listen to Wendy and Dan fake bicker. They secretly love each other but they like to pretend to fight cuz it's fun. 

Every year, we celebrate our anniversary, september 14th, at the beach. Dan never gets me anything because he says the beach is my present. I usually forget it's our anniversary so I guess we aren't that sentimental =) This year Bill (Dan's BFF) reminded us that it was the 14th. 

Well I think that about covers it! Here are the MANY pics taken this year. I didn't get pics of everyone that came out. My phone was rarely charged and I rarely knew where it was so I'm lucky I got the ones I did. 

Beach hair

Addie's ride


Temporary pets.

Not sure why Dan's frowning. I'm sure he was happy...

Angus snoozing in the stroller and Mya leading up ahead

Fav spots. Love the corndogs. Love the coffee. Oh love that little girl too ;)

My little addict. She always wants some of my coffee. Every once in a while I share.

"This is what I came here for." My mom said that one time by a babbling brook up in the mountains. We say it all the time now. But seriously, this is my fav part about staying at the beach for two weeks. Newport coffee every day.

Choco milk is kickin' in! Dan and I decided we'd just buy some chocolate milk from the store next year and save ourselves $20. Way overpriced at the coffee shop.

Boys are awesome.

Cheddar popcorn.

This thing is falling apart but it gets the job done.

Runner in the background.

She's starting to look older... What happened to that 8 month old we brought the first year =)


Crazy eyes! (Auntie Wendy)


My sweet Mya. She was a rock star on her bike this year. She kept up no prob.

Love these chubby little arms.

Mama D's Italian restaurant.

Fake a smile. Daddy's so done. So is Mommy.

Hot mess the whole trip.

Don't forget this guy.

These dogs are the laziest dogs I've ever met. And they're only 2 years old.

Bermudez-Olson bunch

Auntie Wendy


Sisters <3


Everyone walking by loved Angus. They gushed the whole time we were there. "Oh my gosh, would you look at that baby!" They'd say. He'd just bounce and bounce. 

Our little big family.

Love this pic so much.

"Mommy, that dog wasn't a pimple. It's face looked like this."

Thursday, September 24, 2015

christmas card

It has been about a month since I've blogged. I know. Unacceptable. And I won't have time to for another few days. So, here you go. This may or may not be our Christmas card. I love that none of the kids are looking at the camera. It was taken at Newport pier where we walked everyday for two weeks for the best coffee in the world in my opinion. More on that later. 

I have oh so much to blog and oh so little time to. Right now I am doing about 50 loads of laundry from the beach and getting ready for the treasure swap at church that I'm heading up Saturday so gotta go! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Angus Michael - 4 months

My "little" man is 4 months today. Man am I surprised I am actually aware of this AND blogging about it. I have my days =) I should wait 'till Friday when he has his checkup and record his height and weight. He is SO big. Tall and chubby. Maybe I'll update the post after I get the info. 

(Update: 9/4/15
Angus is in the 100th percentile for weight and height. At 20lbs, 27 1/4". The doctor actually was comparing him with 6 mo olds and he was like 75th and 90th percentile. Then he's all, "oh wait, wups, he's only 4 months." haha. Yep, he's officially large.)

Seeing Angus grow so fast is bittersweet. It's nice to know that I'm done having kids. And I think if I did have anymore, I would have to stop paying attention to one of the ones I already have. Like Mya. She would have to raise herself. There is only so much attention I can give each one. 

I do love that I'll never have to experience morning sickness again, or give birth, stay up all night with a newborn, have sore nipples when beginning to nurse, and soon, change diapers and lug around a stroller and a diaper bag with me everywhere... (sorry Mari ;))

BUT there are so many things I will miss. It is pretty cool to feel that new life moving inside your belly, then to see that new baby for the first time, to study his/her face and sit in awe of God's wonderful little miracle. I will miss those sweet newborn noises and faces. I'll miss the toothless grin and the tiny toes. And it makes me kind of sad that Angus is so big. I feel like he wasn't ever really tiny the way a baby should be. He's always been this surprisingly huge little guy.

But at the same time, I love that our boy is the biggest baby we've had. Hopefully he'll be a big man when he grows up. That's always good.

He's wearing 12 month clothing. Doesn't fit in 9 months. I have one 12m romper that doesn't fit. Too small. Seriously. 

When I put all 3 girls in this exersaucer, I put a pillow under them because their feet couldn't touch the floor. This guy is flat-footing it. 

Love the leg fat. It's oh so brief then it's gone forever. He'll probably never have chubby legs again. How sad. 

He talks all the time. Usually says "oooooohhhh." He is super happy and very low maintenance. That's a boy for you. Pretty much only fusses when he's hungry.

Never thought I'd love sharing my bed with another man besides Dan. He always sleeps with me when Dan's at work. I love his noises.

And one of the top 5 reasons to have babies. Baby toes. 
Ironically one of my top 5 dislikes in this world is feet. Hate feet. BUT not baby feet. I feel like I've blogged about that before. Oh well, it's true.