Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Angus Michael - 4 months

My "little" man is 4 months today. Man am I surprised I am actually aware of this AND blogging about it. I have my days =) I should wait 'till Friday when he has his checkup and record his height and weight. He is SO big. Tall and chubby. Maybe I'll update the post after I get the info. 

(Update: 9/4/15
Angus is in the 100th percentile for weight and height. At 20lbs, 27 1/4". The doctor actually was comparing him with 6 mo olds and he was like 75th and 90th percentile. Then he's all, "oh wait, wups, he's only 4 months." haha. Yep, he's officially large.)

Seeing Angus grow so fast is bittersweet. It's nice to know that I'm done having kids. And I think if I did have anymore, I would have to stop paying attention to one of the ones I already have. Like Mya. She would have to raise herself. There is only so much attention I can give each one. 

I do love that I'll never have to experience morning sickness again, or give birth, stay up all night with a newborn, have sore nipples when beginning to nurse, and soon, change diapers and lug around a stroller and a diaper bag with me everywhere... (sorry Mari ;))

BUT there are so many things I will miss. It is pretty cool to feel that new life moving inside your belly, then to see that new baby for the first time, to study his/her face and sit in awe of God's wonderful little miracle. I will miss those sweet newborn noises and faces. I'll miss the toothless grin and the tiny toes. And it makes me kind of sad that Angus is so big. I feel like he wasn't ever really tiny the way a baby should be. He's always been this surprisingly huge little guy.

But at the same time, I love that our boy is the biggest baby we've had. Hopefully he'll be a big man when he grows up. That's always good.

He's wearing 12 month clothing. Doesn't fit in 9 months. I have one 12m romper that doesn't fit. Too small. Seriously. 

When I put all 3 girls in this exersaucer, I put a pillow under them because their feet couldn't touch the floor. This guy is flat-footing it. 

Love the leg fat. It's oh so brief then it's gone forever. He'll probably never have chubby legs again. How sad. 

He talks all the time. Usually says "oooooohhhh." He is super happy and very low maintenance. That's a boy for you. Pretty much only fusses when he's hungry.

Never thought I'd love sharing my bed with another man besides Dan. He always sleeps with me when Dan's at work. I love his noises.

And one of the top 5 reasons to have babies. Baby toes. 
Ironically one of my top 5 dislikes in this world is feet. Hate feet. BUT not baby feet. I feel like I've blogged about that before. Oh well, it's true.

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