Monday, September 28, 2015

fat kids

I've decided I will make a date with my computer every Monday night and update the ol' blog. I tried to think of something catchy that rhymes or something like taco Tuesdays (I know that doesn't rhyme) but nothing comes to mind... so blog Monday it is. How uncreative.

People keep asking me if Angus is the chubbiest baby I've ever had. I don't think anyone remembers the others. They were all quite fat. It's my milk people. It's like super creamy or something. Because as soon as I stop breastfeeding, away it goes and the real baby comes out. Then we get to see what they actually look like. Here are the pics I pulled up from Facebook:


Mya was probably the chubbiest. Her cheeks took over her face. She was also very short so that just added to the chubby. For some reason I tried to hide Mya's chubbiness in pics like she had a weight problem I didn't want people to know about. I always tried to get the most slimming angle. So I don't have a real picture of the rolls unfortunately. But I can assure you, they were there.


Yep, check out that fat lady bug. She was more like a roly poly haha. Winter has always been my eater. She will eat anything and a lot of it. She's even trying to eat the straw in that first pic. Mya calls her an "eater girl."


She was teenie but oh so cute. She had thighs for days.

And Angus: 

He's definitely the tallest but fattest? I dunno, he's got some stiff competition I think. How fun it has been to squeeze all of those little rolls. One of my favorite parts about being a mommy.

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