Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter Etc.

Addie and Angus had a marker fight. Angus lost. Removing permanent markers from our house has climbed to the very top of my to do list. At least we don’t have any family photos or black tie events in the next few days.

To keep the girls busy during spring break I let them bake cookies for our Easter get together. Mya made frosted sprinkled snickerdoodles. 

Winter made frosted sugar cookies. A neighbor let us borrow Christmas cookie cutters since all of ours are covered in play dough gunk. They did look very lovely until someone let his food obsession get the better of him.

I'm no detective but I think I know who it was. 

Dan took the big girls off-roading since we live super close to some great spots and we own a big truck. He knew they would love it and they totally did. Winter wore a sparkly dress =)

We often scoot or bike around the block. A giant reason I wanted this pretty new set of wheels. Look at this stud. He's like an ad for grownup razor scooters. (photo credit - Uncle Bill)

Addie likes to hang out in the back of Dan's truck and throw frisbees at people. Sometimes they are not looking, sometimes they are. I was hit by one the other day. She said she called my name but I think that's a big fat lie. Impressive aim though. (Photo credit - Uncle Bill)

These two will hop on anyone's feet that will let them. Uncle Bill is a softy so of course they took advantage. (Photo credit - Uncle Bill)

Okay, this sounds like an advertisement but something I'm loving these days is Dave's Killer Bread Bagels. Whole grain, organic and 11 grams of protein. Mya would eat bread and only bread all day if I let her so I like these because they're good for her and they have a lot of protein in them. They come in plain and everything as well. Target and Vons have them. Not sure about Albertsons.

Easter was at my mom's this year. Love this shot of the cousins. Unfortunately I didn't notice that Addie wasn't in the picture... Wups. 

Here she is!

Happy Wednesday to you! 

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