Wednesday, July 25, 2018

3 weeks

There are exactly 3 weeks until school starts. Sorry teachers. And I will have THREE of them in school. THREE. Addie starts TK this year. I'm so excited. Love them.

Everyone is so over being home with the family. And it's so hot that I can't just send them outside. Sometimes I just turn the TVs on and hope they will get sucked in and stop fighting. Keepin' it real.

They are definitely spending quality time together so that's good right?

This pretty much sums up our afternoons. Tons of goldfish crackers. Tons of swimming. Winter used her goggles to serve as a plate at the pool. Kids are so smart.

Angus is hanging out with neighbor boys for a change. 

Addie was the queen for about 10 minutes.

The big girls are being guards. Serious ones.

Addie continues to entertain me.

Toaster oven dings.
Addie: Are the chicken nuggets ready?!
Me: No Addie. Once again, they are burning hot when the toaster oven dings. You have to wait 5 minutes.
Addie: Ugh there’s nothing to do in this whole family. I guess I’ll just go potty.

They've had cereal every single morning since school got out. Favorites around here are Raisin Bran, Honey Nut Cheerios and Panda Puffs.

Mya and neighbor buddy Kendall making collages from old magazines. My idea. I was pretty proud of myself for thinking of something creative that kept them busy for an hour.

Dan had a birthday last week. I think he's 43 now. He had a physical recently and the doc said he's young and healthy so that's good. He's sporting his matching blue rainbow loom bracelet and necklace Mya made him.

In the summer we have no choice but to take everyone with us to Costco. Both Dan and I have to go because we need two carts for all our stuff. We have different shopping styles. Dan likes to go super fast, in order of the aisles, never doubles back, never forgets anything and never stops for samples. I usually forget a few things, stop at ALL the sample stations, zig zag back and forth between the middle and both sides and take my time looking at everything in each aisle. We have it down to a science now I think. He slows down and I speed up so we meet in the middle somewhere. He loads the food etc. in the car while I get the kids in and buckled. Then I return the carts. This trip wasn't too horrible actually. Addie and Angus both dropped the little toys they were playing with about 20 times but other than that, not bad.

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