Wednesday, August 1, 2018

14 days 'till school starts

They like to compete for the biggest smoothie mustache.

I told Angus to go get ready for bed. He came back like this. I assume it's because he’s good at taking clothes off but sucks at putting them on so he just grabbed the easiest thing.

Excited that dad let him help paint the new wall where the fish tank used to be.

Trucks need walks too. It's been difficult to get out of the house recently because it's been a billion degrees out. We play for a little bit before 9AM when it gets hot and around 6PM after it's a little bit cooler. And from 9-6 we hang out inside and the kids play (fight mostly) and I do laundry and dishes (yell at the kids to stop fighting). Sometimes we go to the pool where the kids fight some more. But at least it's a change of scenery. 

Twinsies. I find these two lying in the exact same position all the time. It's kind of weird. If I were twitch I would not lay my head anywhere near Otter's butt. But that's just me. 

One last visit to the Higerds' before school starts. We went on a few adventures. One dad, two moms and 9 kids. Gabe thought we looked like a very fertile polygamist family. I think it's the first time they've used all 12 seats in their beast van. We were happy to help them break it in. 

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