Monday, March 25, 2019

hibernation's over

The temps are rising so we've been out and about these days. Mom took me out for a birthday brunch. Millie's Cafe in Pasadena. They have a giant vegan menu so she was beyond excited. It has tons of non-vegan and meat options too. Thanks for the recommendation Elizabeth! 

Mom got the vegan burger. She loved it.

I got this amazing fried egg sandwich thing.

Our dear friend Karla gave Addie this ADORABLE hat. Isn't it the cutest?!

I just love taking pics of her, especially when she's willing to smile for me.

Dan makes the most amazing rack of lamb. That's what Dan and Mya and Winter say. I don't like lamb so I take their word for it. It's Winter's very favorite thing to eat... obviously.

Open house was last week! Always fun to see the awesome classrooms. I love all of our teachers this year. 

Winter's teacher took some really cool pics of the kids and their favorite parts of them. Winter chose her heart. I love it so much. Dan and I are putting it up on the wall for sure.

The best Part of Me By Winter:

"My favorite part of me is my heart. First, my heart allows me to breathe. This is how it makes me feel. I feel kind, happy, strong, funny, powerful, and real. What it makes me do is be brave and alive. The best part of my heart is God is with me wherever I go. That is the best part of me."

My cousin gave me 4 tickets to The Kids Choice Awards because she's the sweetest. I knew Dan would for sure not want to go but my friend Elizabeth is always down for an adventure. So we made a day of it. The awards show was at USC so we took the Metro (the girls first time) and went to the Science Center and Wahlburgers before the show. The girls had an amazing time. It was only slightly stressful for me because I was afraid I'd lose one of them, most likely Winter. I wrote my number on Winter's arm and Mya's leg just in case. And it was SO great having Elizabeth there to be my GPS. She's familiar with USC and the Metro system. And she's just smart and capable and good with directions in general. I am very much not. Most of the day, I had no idea where to go or what stop was ours or what direction to walk. But Elizabeth did. We were in great hands. 

Mya was not comfortable standing in front of such a large dog.

Winter loves touching anything living.

Mya does not.

Wahlburgers (owned by the Walbergs) Two thumbs up from everyone.

The girls had an AMAZING time. Thanks Jamie!!

Dan was not on board with us riding the Metro. He was worried about our safety. So I sent him a pic of this nice looking gentleman sitting across from us on the way home.

And this is what happens when life gets busy and I leave the house.

Some of our favorites stopped in. Dan's cousin Wendy and her cutie patootie girls.

These were taken on our church campus. DAN took them whaaattt? I know, amazing right? 

This stuff was very appealing to me because I love hummus and my favorite sauce at Chick Fil-A is the buffalo sauce. But I have to say I wasn't super impressed. I'll finish it but it wasn't as yummy as I'd hoped. It's a teensy bit too spicy and the texture does not resemble hummus. It's a lot more runny. And it's kind of bland. Is it possible to be bland AND spicy? If so, this totally is. It would probably be good in a quesadilla... maybe.

But these chicken burgers are SOOO good. Love love them. Lots of flavor. 

Here's one all dressed up. One of my favorite things to eat is a good burger. So this is right up my alley. 

Happy Tuesday night or Wednesday morning depending on your bedtime.

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