Wednesday, April 3, 2019

emetophobia is real

If you're reading this while having a snack, you may want to stop reading. Especially if your snack is brown... or maybe a light green color like guacamole. 

The Wags were hit with the stomach flu. I won't go into too many details. But I will say this. Three out of four kids got it. And there was lots of puking and uncontrollable projectile diarrhea. Sorry, I said not too many details. It was the single most disgustingly horrific 8 hours of my life. I'm sure Dan has experienced grosser things working as a medic for 18 years BUT I have not. I simply chose to be a mom to sweet darlings who maybe had a cold from time to time. That's the dream right? 

Anywho, I'm still recovering from the trauma. It's like a PTSD situation. When I hear coughing I spring out of bed and get an acceptable puke container only to discover all 4 sleeping children. If you're thinking about having a bunch of kids, take this information into consideration. I apologize for the grossness. 

Mya avoided the bug of course. I believe she willed it away because of her puke phobia. It's actually called Emetophobia. She definitely has it. 

SO my thankful thing this week is that Mya didn't get the stomach flu and neither did I. Or Dan. 

I don't have a lot of pics. Just Angus sleeping with random objects. He LOVES plastic eggs. 

And tools...

Now that I've grossed you out, it's time to talk food.
And my TJ's item this week is... Everything but the bagel sesame seasoning blend. 

I'm pretty sure everyone already knows about this stuff but I just bought it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I love it on avocado toast or sliced tomatoes. And I've heard it's great on hard boiled eggs, or salads. I'm pretty sure it'll be a part of my life from now on.

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