Monday, December 9, 2019

Decembering in 19

We celebrated the two middles' birthdays at Great Wolf Lodge this past weekend. I can't say enough good stuff about this place. It is such an awesome price for a family of 6. It was around $200 plus tax and fees through Groupon. That includes a night at the hotel and two days of water park fun for our whole family. Comparing that to Disneyland and the Disneyland hotel, it's like over $1,000 less. The hotel is very clean and accommodating and the water park is super fun for all ages and comes with a snack bar that provides good food and booze for all the parents. The snack bar is not cheap but worth it I think. We all had a blast. We'll probably do it again next year. Some kid did poop in the wave pool so that was shut down for the day. But you can't blame that on Great Wolf now can you. 

Addie went down the slides backward so she didn't get splashed in the face at the bottom. Pretty smart.

Addie was a half inch too short to ride the bigger slides. Angus was tall enough.

Angus hates getting his face wet but he worked through it to get to the fun stuff.

We asked our 13 year old neighbor to come in while we were gone and move the elves. Winter has been getting suspicious so I knew it would totally amaze her that the elves were up to something while we were gone. Bravo Rylie. This is awesome. And a tiny bit creepy. Addie said that her doll would never tie up the elves because she's a very nice doll. I'm sure it was peer pressure from the looks of it.

And here are a bunch of random December happenings...

Winter hanging with the dogs. 

Addie is obsessed with the manger scene. And dinosaurs. As a result there were lots of dinosaurs hanging out in Bethlehem.

Mya got to go to Glendora's City Hall with her class and have a pretend city meeting complete with mayors, council men and women and concerned citizens. She played a concerned citizen. It was so fun to watch. And she's adorable.

We have a white elephant gift exchange with our small group at church every year. This is by far the most impressive white elephant gift Dan and I have ever brought. We stole a giant pic of our pastor and mod podged it onto a clock. I glued the face on. Dan took the clock apart and put it back together. And voila. It's a working Dave clock. Hopefully our friend doesn't mind that I've shared this. It's the best thing I've ever made. I'm so very proud of it.

We got a Christmas tree this week. It was a bit pricey this year but it did come with a birds nest. No eggs or birds. Just the nest.

I picked Addie up from school last week and realized she was wearing tights for pants. Tights. Not leggings. The kind with the two lines down the butt. Ugh. They were thick at least. 

Angus before bed. I guess he thinks this is a police hat...?

For some reason, Angus has gotten into the habit of throwing Mya under the bus for everything. If someone left the milk out, it was Mya. If someone made a mess, it was Mya. The funny thing is, it is never Mya. Mya is the sweetest most helpful child. And she is never around to defend herself when he accuses her. Also, Mya is always the one to help Angus with the TV or when he's having a hard time getting dressed. So when I asked the kids, "Who broke my reindeer?" His answer of course was, "Mya broke it." I fixed it with my glue gun. Good as new.

This is Mya's Christmas list. I like that there are categories like Amazon's wish lists. Only Mya included the category: don't want it. Kind of confusing on a Christmas list. Maybe that's in case she changes her mind? 

Dan insisted I include his favorite war wanton soup from our local Chinese delivery place, Young's Gormet in Duarte, in my recommendations. I've never tried it because it contains pork and shrimp; two things I don't eat. BUT if you like those things in soup, I guess you should try this?

Happy December! Christmas is so very near!

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