Friday, November 29, 2019

zoo dentist haircut birthday thanksgiving week

This has been a packed Thanksgiving break week. Monday we went to the zoo with friends. Me and two kids got in on my friend's pass. And the other two got in on a nice stranger lady's pass behind us. I didn't get many pics of animals and kids because I was so busy counting heads everywhere we went. I only lost Addie for a few minutes. Addie had a doctor appointment that afternoon but really wanted to see the hyenas clear across the entire zoo before we left. I would never go to the zoo without another person telling me how to read the map. Reading zoo maps is so not my thing. We managed to find the hyenas which were actually African painted dogs but they look just like them. After we saw them, we were cutting it close to get back in time for Addie's appointment so we booked it back to the car. I put Angus on my back and walked super fast. Mya pushed Addie in the stroller and ran behind me. As we were exiting the zoo, there was a person wearing a giant blue Elmo looking costume waving to everyone as they left. Maybe it was cookie monster. Mya is still very much freaked out by people dressed as characters of any kind. She didn't see Elmo/Cookie until she was pretty close to him and screamed, backed up and ran waaaaaay around the scary blue character. Winter lagged behind but made it back to the car in time to get in before I left her. 

This is Angus riding "da bown hussy." 

We moved to a different hussy because the first one didn't go up and down.

Winter wore leopard shoes, leopard pants and a leopard top for the occasion.

This guy climbed to the very top of the fence. It made me wonder if he could escape if he really wanted to.

Well done Ryan. I don't even attempt to get that many kids to look at a camera.

Tuesday I thought I'd challenge myself and take all four to the dentist followed by haircuts for Winter and Mya. I don't think Angus remembered the last time he went to the dentist but he was very excited. It started off badly. They all got x-rays. Angus hopped in the chair first, very excited to see how it all worked. He gagged on the first few plastic things they stuck in his mouth to get those back molar pics. And on the last one, he puked. And cried loudly. So he understandably waited to go last for his cleaning. Mya still has a fear of puke so she had lots of questions about why Angus threw up when the lady was trying to get an x-ray. She didn't know about the gag reflex. The good news is nobody has cavities hallelujah. I'm always worried because I never watch them brush their teeth so I have no idea how well they're doing it. I'm sure they skip it sometimes. So I'm thankful for Dan's good teeth genes. The guy has never had a single cavity and rarely goes to the dentist.

Mya got a trim and unicorn gel.

I love short hair on Winter. 

Wednesday was Addie's birthday. Someone gave us gift cards to Chuck E. Cheese so we went. It was a rough few days for Mya with the character at the zoo, the puke at the dentist AND Chucky. After that we came home, opened presents and Addie helped me make her cake. She had an awesome birthday. We are taking the family to Great Wolf Lodge instead of birthday parties for Addie and Winter this year. Worth it.

Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving with family in Santa Barbara who we adore.

Who does extra credit assignments on her Thanksgiving break? Mya does.

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for. 
I'm thankful for you.

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