Wednesday, January 8, 2020

bonelli blowout

I love Bonelli Park in San Dimas. New Years Eve day, I suggested to Dan that we take a family bike ride around the park. He agreed and we set off on our bikes, all 6 of us. Mya and Addie dressed as twinsies for the occasion.

About 45 seconds into the ride, we heard a big POP and Addie's tire was completely flat.

So we walked back to the car and Addie and I hung out by the playground while Dan went with the other 3 kids around the big giant loop. Life.

I suggested she ride Angus's bike when he returned and we could go on our own little bike ride if she wanted. She responded, "Ride Angus's bike?! What if someone sees?! How embarrassing!" 

Then I took her to this giant tree and told her to look up. I thought it was awesome but she was like, "Uummm what's up there?" 

We let the kids play a while on the playground and went home.

Dan fired up the BBQ and made burgers and hot dogs. It was such a lovely day out that I made everyone eat outside. They were all cold but whatever.

Dan's burger.

My favorite bellies.

I'm pretty sure she was telling him to check the heartbeat in the baby's butt.

On his police motorcycle.

I've always kind of wanted to move out of LA. I was born and raised here. The traffic is awful, it's dirty, it's crowded, it's polluted and the people seem to get crankier every year. But, it's not in the cards for us to move away any time soon. So I've decided to be intentional about appreciating my surroundings. 

Dan and I joke about "beautiful Azusa" when we come back from somewhere gorgeous like Hawaii, Fiji, Yosemite ... you get it. We get back in town and see homeless people, trash on the side of the road, traffic signals, the metro, people blasting annoying music with the bass vibrating so loudly it gives you a headache and bad drivers cutting people off just to get home. 

BUT if you look for beauty, you can find it. I took Otter on a walk Saturday and it was a gorgeous 67 degrees out. I was reminded why I'm actually very lucky to live in SoCal. Some people dream about living here. Some people will never get to see it. 
I made a point to take pictures of the beauty right here in Azusa. 

And most nights we get a sunset like this in the backyard.

When people ask me how Wendy's doing in Florida away from her friends and family, I always tell them that Wendy blooms where she's planted. Wherever she is, she is making friends, giving her all wherever she's working and charging forward no matter what. 

In 2020 I want to do more blooming where I'm planted. Wherever I am I want to be a blessing to someone. 

Happy New Year guys. If the new year is daunting or stresses you out, just think of it as another year to appreciate life, beauty, friends and family. Take a deep breath and just try to bloom.


  1. You are truly an inspiration, Amie!

    1. Awe you are Cathie! I love your positive attitude about life and your family. You are a blessing to be around <3

  2. Your far removed from downtown or the urban areas. Azusa at least has trees.
