Saturday, January 25, 2020


Recently Addie and I took a trip to Orlando Florida for a whole week to celebrate Wendy being done with all her thyroid cancer shenanigans. She's cancer free by the way!! 🌟 I took Addie out of school because she's in Kindergarten and she's ahead of the curve so I felt okay about her missing a week. She was nervous about flying on a plane. And she wasn't sure she wanted to leave her siblings. Who was she going to play with? I was worried about the flying thing too since she gets carsick, seasick and altitude sick. I gave her Dramamine and she was fine. 

Winter and Mya have already been to Disneyland so I was able to convince them that it was fair, even though it really wasn't... Addie got to go to 3 Disney parks AND fly on a plane AND see Florida and Wendy's house. The only thing that made Angus jealous was that Addie got to go up in the sky with the clouds. 

I accidentally purchased the cheaper tickets called super basic economy or something where you are only allowed to bring one personal item that you can put under your seat. You can't bring anything bigger than a backpack. SO I had to pack for a week in a backpack. I borrowed PJs, shoes and toiletries from Wendy and managed to fit my clothes in the tiny bag. Thank goodness Wendy and I are the same size in clothes and shoes. Addie's clothes are tiny like her so she had room for her very necessary lion king toys.

Ready to take off... she looks excited haha. She actually did great on the plane and commented on all the cute little houses and cars when we got up in the air.

Animal Kingdom... My mom was at Wendy's at the same time so that was awesome. And cousin Madison was home from college so we got to hang out with her as well.

This is Pluto doing a trick with Addie's signature book. He flipped it in the air with his nose and caught it in his mouth. Addie was worried that he got it all slobbery but he didn't.

She did this while waiting in line. Trying to be like Rafiki on my shirt pictured below. 

She fell asleep in the stroller which is a first. Addie never falls asleep anywhere but her bed. She's been that way since she was an infant. 

The next day we did Epcot.

My dear friends Mel and Almira happened to be out there at the same time and joined us. So fun to hang out with them.

Addie wanted her face painted.

Melanie so badly wanted to see my face painted so she paid for mine. Addie chose a fox for her and a princess kitty for me. I got lots of stares. I don't know why.

Wendy has learned exactly where all the cameras are on all the rides so she told us all when to smile. I didn't know where the camera was but I tried.

Addie's favorite ride at Epcot was the tram to the car. It was literally 5 seconds long since we parked close but she insisted we "ride" it.

And the third park, Magic Kingdom. I was good with two parks so I stayed home that day. Uncle Mark was off work since it was a Sunday so Wendy made him come. She bought Addie this bell costume to wear that day. She LOVED it to say the least.

This was Addie's favorite ride of the whole trip.

She fell asleep in the car. Another first.

We loved spending time with Auntie Wendy, Uncle Mark and cousin Madison. And of course we loved seeing Grandma Donna. Dan told me to take it easy on Wendy since she just finished her radiation treatment before we got there. But I guess he forgot that I always take life easy and Wendy doesn't, so there is really no slowing her down ever.

We had more stuff with us on the flight back to LA including a bell costume and a giant box with Olaf on it that Addie insisted we take with us. So I stuffed the two backpacks and put the rest in two plastic bags. They didn't give me too much trouble about it though. The lady at the gate said, "You know you have too much stuff right?" To which I replied, "Well a lot of its food." (Lie) She smiled and let us on the plane. 

When we stepped on to the plane one of the flight attendants asked Addie if she wanted to meet the pilots. Addie was like, umm YEEEAH! So she did and they gave her some wings and let her steer the plane for a few minutes. She told them, "My siblings are going to be SO jealous."

All in all, Addie and Mommy's trip to Orlando was a success.

Here's a video at the Animal Kingdom of a giraffe coming up to the jeep to say hello. It was so close I could have touched it.

And here's Addie's first time at the wheel at Magic Kingdom. 

I have lots to be thankful for this time. I'm so very thankful that we got to go to Orlando and the weather was amazing and everything went well and there were no problems or issues. I'm thankful for Wendy and Mark who spoiled us while we were there. I'm super thankful for hubby who took care of the other three kids and dearest Darla who filled in when Dan was at work. And Tim and Jessica who watched Angus while Darla was at work Friday. It really does take a village and I am so thankful for mine.

My recommendation this week is the ride Pandora at the Animal Kingdom. It was AMAZING. One of the coolest rides I've ever been on. You really feel like you are flying. There are no words to describe it really. So if you're ever in Orlando you MUST do it. Click here to check it out online.

And also, I didn't know about the app that you can download on your phone or device before you get on the plane that allows you to watch movies on the plane. So if you're getting on a plane anytime soon, make sure you download the app for that airline when you have access to Wifi.

Happy Saturday to you all!

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