Saturday, February 1, 2020

pricey shoes and stuff

Today, I'm thankful for this blog. I'm thankful that I live in a time where I can post pics and write about my kids. Technology gets a bad rep sometimes but I'm thankful for it. It lets me keep my family informed and make them feel closer to us even if they live in other states and other countries. For instance, my dad and some of my siblings live in Honduras but they can feel like they aren't so far away by just keeping up to date on here. I'm thankful for the phone I have that lets me take pics wherever I go. I didn't have that 10 years ago. Crazy right? 

Their fabulous yet scary robber disguises. As always Angus is the swat guy who's trying to bust them.

Obviously we don't get a lot of traffic on our street. The line is drawn in the middle just in case anyone thinks about getting anywhere close to her sister's drawing.

Last week I scheduled haircuts for the littles after I picked up the big girls from school. When we got to the salon the girls piled out of the car and as I was unbuckling Angus I noticed that he didn't have shoes on. He was also in his PJs. Not the end of the world. I thought, no prob, I always have some backups in the trunk. I checked the trunk and couldn't find any spare shoes or clothes for him. I guess I need to restock my backups. We arrived 20 minutes early since we drove there straight from school. So I yelled, BACK IN THE CAR GIRLS! ANGUS HAS NO SHOES! 

I had 20 minutes to get shoes. I was too far from home to go there and back so I thought I'd just pick up some cheap flip flops somewhere. I knew there was a shopping center with Old Navy and Kohls about 5 minutes away. The parking was better at Kohls so I chose to go there. Turns out they didn't have any flip flops because it's winter time. They should talk to Target. They are promoting their bathing suits right now. 

I should have gone to Old Navy because Kohls didn't have any shoes under $38. I thought it was a super affordable store but I don't normally shop there. If you know me well, you know that I NEVER buy clothes and shoes for my kids at full price. I'm an avid thrift store shopper and hand-me-down receiver. It physically pains me to buy shoes even at Target on clearance unless they're like $5. I took a deep breath, let out a sigh and walked quickly to the check out. I didn't even have a coupon. Angus has never had brand new shoes before. So I figured I'd go a size up and buy him light up paw patrol blue shoes that he would be smitten with. And he is.

Angus: Mom when I was getting off the couch I fell...
Me: Awe sorry buddy
Angus: That's okay I still love you!

Angus had his first complete meltdown outside the other day. There may have been others as a toddler but not in a good while. He did something I told him not to do, so I told him to go inside. He started to cry and yelled, "Noooooo mom!" We went back and forth a few times and then he ran away from me. Anytime I have to chase one of my kids down the street, it's impossible for me not to laugh. So Angus was screaming and smiling and I was laughing and yelling GET BACK HERE! NOT FUNNY! YOU'RE GROUNDED! It was quite the show. I caught up with him and threw him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes while he kicked and wailed. A nice neighbor couple was going for an early evening walk and wasn't about to make eye contact with me. But I didn't want to be rude and awkward so I said "Hey guys, hows it going?" in between bloodcurdling screams. They replied, "Umm good, fine, how are you?!" Walking quickly back to the house and trying not to drop the crazy 4 year old thrashing over my shoulder, I replied "GREAT!" and carried him up to his room where he remained for the rest of the night. 

If you don't have small children, our lives may look a bit different. For instance, I spent my morning sorting this giant pile of toys and putting them into the appropriate bins. 

I love that Mya is now starting to do Winter and Addie's hair. I'm going to go ahead and let their teachers think that I take the time in the morning to groom my children. 

"Yeah I wook puetty tute wight now."

The two biggest huggers in the family. I'm glad they have each other.

Addie made herself a Simba mask.

After a bit of a break, the girls started gymnastics back up. And Addie joined. She was super nervous but quickly loved it. Her cartwheels are atrocious but I'm sure she'll be awesome in no time.

We got to see a couple of Higerds. One who's a teenager now, whattt? 

And the newest Higerd, Nellie! We did a little thrift store shoppin. 

Including more pics of Dan as he requested. 

Rocking this fluffy unicorn sweater of Mya's so I didn't have to go inside all the way upstairs to grab one of my own. Perks of having bigger kids now.

I'm recommending a salad I bought at Costco. It came in a two pack. So I ate it and went back and bought two more and ate them. Hopefully they still have this one. I cut up the pieces of steak so I get one in every bite or so. 

Happy Saturday! 
Shoot! Just remembered I gotta go get valentines with the girls tomorrow ugh. Wish me luck. It usually takes a whole hour for them to decide which ones to get.

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