Monday, February 24, 2020


I'm not sure if Angus is a mama's boy because I baby him or if I baby him because he's a mama's boy and he's the baby. He's also super cute and I love him.

He's had the most attention of all the kids because he's home with me all by himself. None of the girls have had that kind of time with me. 

He likes the new rug.

He LOVES the carwash. He's easy to please to say the least. His favorite place to go is actually Vons. If the whole police officer thing doesn't pan out, he'd probably make a great stay-at-home dad.

Addie: Angus can you hold my backpack? 
Angus: Sure, you got something for me Addie? 
Addie: Of course not!

Angus came over to me bawling and said, "Addie bwoke ma haaaaawt!" I thought he was being metaphorical but she actually did break this heart he made for Vday. I fixed it. 

Trying to give Otter some love...

And got licked in the face. It happens.

The only person I know who eats his ice cream sandwich with a fork.

We went to visit our Higerds. It's pretty much a miracle that all 10 kids were well considering all the colds, flus and viruses going around right these days. 

Got to hang out with this little bittie baby. 

Angus's face.

"Mom can you help me operate this excavator?"
For someone who doesn't know his letters, those are pretty big words.

James: It's okay Angus I'll see you next time.
Angus: Mommy tan we tate Dames wif us?

Every time we visit the Higerds, everyone complains that we don't live closer to them. Angus and Addie don't understand why we can't just live with them. Addie said, "I really do love you mom but I wish Mari could adopt me." On the way home Angus complained about his stupid toys and our stupid house and his stupid bed. He does like his new toys though. He just wanted to clear that up. He'll be fine in a couple of days. Mya thanked me for taking them to see their friends. Love her.

This table is one of the best things we've ever purchased. It was $200 at Ikea. We bought it when Mya and Winter were babies. We don't take great care of it because it was cheap-ish and it's black and we have kids. We pretty much bought it for the sole purpose of trashing it. It's been colored on, spilled on, scratched up and wiped down one million times. I think everyone with kids needs a black Ikea table. 

This stuff is so good. It's been around for a while now but it's one of my favorite things so I thought I'd mention it. If you get bored with water, it's great because it's sugar free and is just carbonated water with fruit juice sweetener and it's not really sweet. Mya loves it because she feels like she's drinking soda. There are a few different flavors but grapefruit is definately my favorite. You can find it pretty much anywhere like Target, Vons and Trader Joes. 

I just watched the series, "Four Weddings and a Funeral" on Hulu. I loved it. I know I'm late to the party since it's been out for months now but if you haven't seen it, I recommend it if you like romantic comedies. If you don't, you should probably not watch it. It's a teeeensy bit cheezy but mostly just super cute with a great cast.

I also watched Miss Americana, Taylor Swift's documentary on Netflix. It was really good if you're a Taylor Swift fan. If not, you probably wouldn't want to watch a documentary about her so yeah. 

Happy Monday! It's almost March which is complete nuts. I love it when the time changes and we can hang out outside after dinner. But ugh here come the bees and bee like creatures like wasps.

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