Wednesday, May 13, 2020

unboring life

When a mom with one kid sees a mom of four she thinks to herself, how is she not going insane? Her hands are full with one kid. Same with the mom of two or three. They just can't imagine adding another little person on their already full plate. But once you add that person onto your already full plate, the plate stretches and becomes a little bigger. You get used to the added stress and it becomes doable and you stop stressing and being overwhelmed like you did those first few months when you added that new family member. 

I think these last two months have been like that. We couldn't have imagined adding something as unthinkable as social distancing, quarantine, mask-wearing, working from home with kids, and all the other ways we've been stretched. But we did and now look at us. I think I'm okay these days. I'm 1000% looking forward to the day when we can hang out and go out and my little blessings can be away from me in school for a few hours each day. But I think the growing pains have stopped and we've adjusted. 

Kids are non stop. NON STOP. They are constant question askers, mess creators, noisemakers and energy zappers. There's so much in my day that I cannot predict. So many fires to put out. A few days ago Addie was curious to see what would happen if she covered the faucet while the water was running. She found out and the faucet sprayed the entire bathroom. But this is why I am able to keep writing. If I knew what was going to happen every day, life would get pretty boring I think. So, every day, I get in the seat in my rollercoaster of motherhood, buckle up tight and enjoy the wild ride. 

Dan worked on Mother's Day. It was just me and the kids. I wanted to document the day with pictures. I promised the kids cookies if they dressed up and smiled for some living room pics with me. I didn't need to bribe anyone but Angus really. The middle girls got to wear lipstick (Mya wasn't interested) so they were sold on the idea and Mya is always down to dress up and smile for pictures.

Angus: Why you making yo haya bumpy mom?

I received lots of cards and flowers from the girls and Dan brought me flowers and a Starbucks latte on his way home from work yesterday. 

I even received a Happy Grandma's Day card from Addie's baby doll the girls have named "Baby Angus." Winter knows I hate it when they call me Grandma so of course she encourages it as much as possible.

This was my favorite thing I received though.

He was learning to wipe his butt earlier this year but the TP shortage of 2020 set us back a bit.

Winter loves catching lizards. Fortunately for this one, it escaped. So far lizards have a 0% survival rate in Winters care.

She drew this pic of Dan. He's working on a pizza oven in the backyard. It's a pretty accurate picture actually. It has been pretty hot.

Winter always dresses appropriately for construction.

I've noticed that Mya is ALWAYS singing. It doesn't matter if there is music on or off. It doesn't matter if she knows that song or not. If it's instrumental, she will hum along. Unfortunately, we have to put a stop to it some days. It's just too much singing. I know, it sounds like we're monsters telling a child to not sing happily. BUT she's been singing nonstop since March 16th when school was shut down for the year along with everything else. Love her.

Dan and I taught Mya and Winter how to play Mexican Train dominoes. It brings me a TON of joy. My grandma taught me to play so it always brings back great memories, especially when I say things the way she used to say them and no one knows why I'm talking like a sassy old lady.

Everyone around here is pretty used to this temporary weird life.

(Playing construction workers in deep voices)
Addie - We gotta get this wall built.
Angus - Hurry up. I gotta get into a zoom meeting.

Angus: Mom thanks for letting Addie play again! (she was in trouble for not cleaning up her toys before the timer rang)

Angus to Addie: (putting his arm on her shoulder and smiling) - Addie make sure you don’t do everything wrong again ok?

I wish I had a recording device on at all times. These two have the best conversations.
Angus: Addie I have some bad news. I knocked over the trash can. And the second bad news is I fell off the toilet and peed on the floor. And the third bad news is my underwear got all wet and I don’t even know how that happened. (This all happened in 2 seconds)
Addie - Wow Angus

We've been only doing Walmart pick up for the last two months to be safe and to avoid crazy grocery store lines and social distance rules etc. It all sounded a little overwhelming. BUT last week I had a very strong urge to bust out of the house and hug strangers. I was just so sick of being home and not going anywhere and not doing the normal things I didn't realize I loved like grocery shopping. I didn't go hug strangers but I did go to Costco. It was lovely. I was so happy. There was a big smile under my mask while I was walking up and down the aisles. I felt a little bit more like me again. I was on a bit of a high from Costco so the next day I went to Trader Joe's and Vons. Our two fridges and freezers (we have one in the garage) are fully stocked without any space so I had to stop. But I'm really looking forward to running out of milk.

Addie loves it when she's the last one at the table. That way she doesn't have to leave the room to fart. It's the little things.

The girls have recently been doing these latch kits. They are basically mini rugs and super easy to make. And they take forever which is awesome these days. I highly recommend for kids ages 8 and up. They are available on Amazon for $10 or so.

Angus took this pic and Winter didn't know he was taking pictures so her expression is pure. And I love it.

Twitch is getting in on the puzzle action.

Angus ALWAYS cries when he plays "Sorry." He was a part of this game but someone sent him back home and he just couldn't take the disappointment and had to lie down in my bed for a while. I get it. I hate that game.

Angus was getting a little shaggy.

So Dan cut his hair. And now I'm thinking we don't need to go to the little kids' haircut place anymore because they charge $20 and Dan did great. 
And I'm always wondering how he got so handsome. I mean really. I hope he stays cute as he grows up. You never know how guys are going to turn out. They change so much. But he has a pretty good start.

The nearby recreational area opened back up recently. I took the kids for so many reasons. Mostly I was just craving some new scenery. There's a loop that goes around the park that's maybe 2 miles. 20 minutes on bikes with littles. Somehow I took us on a wrong turn and we went on an accidental 90 minute bike ride. Directions aren't my thing. The kids were not happy. But we saw some lovely scenery! When we got home, Angus's tire was flat and Addie got a bloody nose. I thanked Jesus for protecting us on our bike adventure and waiting 'till we got home to bring on the usual crises. 

My recommendation this week is Brene Brown. She has a Netflix special, some Ted talks, an audible series, a podcast and several books. She's a researcher who has dedicated her life's work to vulnerability and shame. It doesn't sound fun to listen to but I promise you will love anything you listen to or read by her. I feel like my life has been changed after listening to her series, "The Power of Vulnerability." I signed up for the free trial on Audible and listened for free. She speaks to men and women of all ages so it's not just for the ladies. She has a big male following as well. Check her out. You won't be sorry. That's all folks. 

Happy Wednesday Eve!


  1. You stories are a pleasure to read. You are rockin' this motherhood in lockdown thing!
