Monday, May 4, 2020

Angus is 5 now

Wow I thought we'd never make it to May. Just a few weeks left of "school" now. Friday was Angus's 5th birthday. My baby is 5. It seems like a big deal for some reason. We celebrated pretty big too for us. We like to keep it low key around here but Angus has been talking about his birthday literally all year, since his last birthday.

I ordered a helium balloon kit on Walmart pickup along with a bunch of paw patrol decorations. I set my alarm to wake up at 5AM and blow up 50 balloons. One popped around 5:30 but no one woke up surprisingly. Angus woke up around 6 as usual and was super excited to see his birthday celebration was already underway.

Mya decorated the table.

Mya made him a Chase mask. She's amazing.

And a card.

Everyone was super excited about his birthday.

Dan was not excited to put together his present the night before.

But it was totally worth the blood sweat and tears. 

Power Wheels Dune Racer. He's in love. And his sisters are jealous. Winter says she's always dreamed of having a car like that. New information to me. She can ride in it so she's okay. It was cheaper than a big birthday party so it's a win for everyone, mostly Angus. No time like a pandemic to buy a dune racer.

He helped me make his own birthday cake as it has become a tradition here.

And decorate it.

Mya made paw patrol cake decorations of course.

The day included lots of drama that usually comes with birthdays. There was jealousy crying by 9:00AM and another kid had a full-blown screaming meltdown before 10:00AM. But at the end of the day, everyone said it was the best birthday ever. Winter said, "Aawww I want a quarantine birthday!" 

Here are some videos of the most excited gift receiver you will ever see. Ever.

Happy super hot Monday!

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