Sunday, June 21, 2020

paper towel fashion and tiny frogs

Not much has changed around here. We bought Monopoly so the girls could practice their math skills and I'm sure it teaches them other valuable things. I was hesitant to play because I am not the best loser and I would hate to teach the kids poor sportsmanship. But so far we've played twice and I won both games so that worked out pretty well. Mya and Winter love it. They played from the time they woke up yesterday until bedtime.

The playroom (living room) is a nonstop wreck these days. These two are always in there making a mess. It takes two seconds to empty the boxes out but it takes them over an hour to clean it up every night. If anyone has any kid cleaning life hacks I'm totally open. I used to go through their toys when they were at school and get rid of stuff but they are always here these days so that's tricky.

We've been using our table for ongoing monopoly games and puzzles so this is often the dinner spot. 

We don't leave the house too much but when we do, it's exhausting. We went to church for the first time in 3 months. The kids did so great. They all wore their masks happily and sat still for the most part. Angus crashed out afterward, even though it was a short service. 

I guess my body wasn't used to getting ready in a hurry because I somehow injured my neck getting dressed. I'll be okay.

 Angus still takes naps about once a week. Usually, he falls asleep watching TV in the afternoon. 

I caught him snuggling with a Barbie baby.

I've been trying to read a short devotion (biblical thought for the day) to my kids when I think about it, and now that we've been home together all day, I've been making it happen more. Meals are always a good time because their mouths are full and they are sitting down. They don't always listen though. After I finished the last two-minute reading, I asked, "What do you guys think about that?" Angus replied. "I love you." Winter commented, "I just put 10 grapes in my mouth."
It's fine.

And in case you were wondering, the baby dolls in our house believe in Jesus too.


Angus is either torturing this barbie or saving her... who can tell? Winter made her outfit with paper towels and a green marker.

These two still love being twinsies.

We haven't done much with other families but Dan took the big girls camping with their cousins last week. They had a blast and I was happy to have two kids for a change.

Mya is afraid of most things that are alive that are not human. That's like all animals and bugs and even some plants haha. But she forced herself to hold this tiny frog after trying to touch it a bunch of times and then chickening out. She's pretty good at facing her fears. It's amazing, actually. I think that's a great life skill to have. Go Mya.

I took the two littles to the park and we ate Chick-Fil-A under a shady tree. It was really lovely. They're playing "owner and doggie" here.

And we went exploring with Otter.

And we put in a pool! A small one but totally worth the money. They've been in it non-stop.

"Why'd you tell Mya I was going in the jacuzzi??! I wanted my alone time! And I DON'T like bubbles. #DIVA

Trying to wink, obviously.

Dan is still working on the pizza oven project. He's doing an amazing job as always.

I bought these almonds thinking I would love them since I love lime and I love chili flavor. Well, I kind of hated them at first. But for some reason, I kept eating them and then I couldn't stop. I paired them with the dried mangos below and something magical happened.

I love any dried mangos. They have some at Trader Joe's but we go through them way too fast so I buy them in bulk at Costco. These are the brand they sell at Costco. They are so good. I'm not even really a dried fruit person.

These egg rolls taste exactly like the ones from the Chinese place we order take out from. We bake them up in the toaster oven. Two thumbs up. 👍👍

Happy Sunday! 
And HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the awesome dads out there! Dan's at work today so we'll celebrate when he gets back home.

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