Tuesday, July 7, 2020

wendy was here

July, so far, is proving to be pretty much the same as March, April, May and June... but hotter.
It is still hard to know what is safe to do and what isn't, but we're doing pretty well overall. We mostly stay at home and venture out to fast food establishments every now and then. 

Our little pool in the backyard remains to be the best idea I've ever had. The girls are a little too splashy for Angus so he goes in by himself sometimes and the girls go in together and create tidal waves and whirlpools.

Wendy bird came to visit! And she's gone just like that. She stayed for 12 whole days so she got to experience 100% of the fun that is our home. Old dog smells, kids living in their underwear, meltdowns, dog hair on everything, morning breath and more. The cool thing about family and friends moving away is that when we get together, the time spent is quality. Quantity is out the window completely but the quality time almost makes up for it. 

Wendy took this fabulous pic. Well done. Love it.

Angus fell head over heels in love as soon as Auntie Wendy walked through the door. He remembered her but he really delighted in her living with us for over almost two weeks. 

Angus: Where are you going?
Wendy: I'm just going to the store. I'll be right back.
Angus: Be quick cuz I love you!

Angus: Where are you going?
Wendy: I'm going to take a shower.
Angus: Why?
Wendy: Cuz I'm stinky.
Angus: (Smells her hip) You smell amazing!

We were able to pay a quick visit to some dear friends in Palm Springs too. Bill gave us a tour of the windmills SUPER up close and Karla gave us a tour of all the cool sites like celebrity houses including Bob hope's baseball hat-shaped house, Elvis's vacation home and Liberace's house. 

The pics below are dedicated to Wendy B who is dying for a ladies Palm Springs trip. I hear you sister! I thought of you when I saw the windmills. 

In other news... there is no other news haha. The kids are the same as always. And yet, I see them growing and learning more about life every day.

Being grounded is kinda good because I get to experience new things like playing monopoly all day.

I rarely get good pics these days because they are always in their underwear. But I don't have as much laundry so that's good.

Dan inspired me to start my day with stretches. Angus started his own routine...

My recommendation this week is Bitchin' Sauce at Costco. Unfortunately, all my kids sans Angus can read now so I have to tell them that we don't say bitchin... unless something is really cool. Haha kidding. BUT it's soooo good. I first had it at my niece Autumn's house. HEEEEEY AUTUMN! Hey Jake!! I forgot about it then Karla of Karla and Bill in Palm Springs reminded me about it and I picked it up when I went to Costco a couple of days ago. It's so good. I'm such a dip person. I've been eating it with pita bread but it would be good with tortilla chips, tacos, veggies and more. It's got a kick. So if you're a wuss when it comes to spicy, you may not be able to eat too much at a time. But that's a good thing because it's so addicting. 

Well friends, I sincerely hope you all are hanging in there. Big love and big hugs to you all.

Happy Tuesday!

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