Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Bonelli take three

Now that we have been home so much, I think the kids have adjusted a little too well. They get along magnificently and hate to be separated. A couple weeks ago, I took the younger three somewhere and left Mya back with Dan (her choice), and 3 minutes into the drive, Angus said, "I miss Mya."  They actually don't like leaving the house now. When we do leave, they are miserable complaining pains in my butt. They miss their toys, their perfectly airconditioned home, their YouTube shows, their snacks and the couch.

Thursday, our cleaning angels came to do their magic to our extremely lived-in home, so it was best that we leave for a few hours. I told Dan that I didn't think our family was outdoorsy enough. So he agreed to pile up the kids and bikes into the truck and head for our local recreational spot. The first time we came to Bonelli this year, Addie had a tire blow out and I stayed back with her while Dan took the other three around the lake on their bikes. Last time we ventured out to Bonelli, Dan worked and I took the kids on an accidentally long hot bike ride that ended in possible dehydration, so I was glad Dan was there to help make sure things went according to plan. 

Angus said good-bye to his beloved lego set and we were off.

It was a perfectly lovely outdoorsy day weather-wise.

Dan brought fishing poles.

Our only catch of the day was a near-by branch that Dan's line snagged on its way out. For the record, he is a very talented fisherman normally. 

Angus: Ugh it's so hot in the sun.
Me: Then go in the shade.
Angus: The shade is dumb.
Me: hmm
Angus: I don't like sun. I don't like shade. I just like snacks.

(He had a better attitude after lunch)

The kids fought half the time we were there... possibly more. But we successfully got them out of the house, away from YouTube, away from AC and into the fresh air. Dan grilled hot dogs for us to eat at the park, no one had a blowout and everyone was well hydrated. I will take it as a win. And what great outdoorsy parents we are now. 

When we returned home, our house was so clean that Twitch thought the sliding door was open and it wasn't. He ran into it. But he's 16 now and pretty blind in his defense.

Happy Tuesday Eve!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

covid vacay

We changed things up this summer and spent a week on Big Bear Lake. It was just what the doctor ordered. We weren't around many people besides a few we chose to be around. Pre-covid, we had planned to take a trip up the coast this summer, doing very un-covid friendly things so we decided to look for something that made more sense. 

Now, I fully admit that when I see pics of people on vacation somewhere fun looking like covid isn't happening, I'm a jealous Judy. Is that a name? It should be. Like a nervous Nelly. Or a Debbie downer. I get jealous. I want to run away from covid. We all do. And so we did. It was amazing. And I apologize if these pics make you jealous or sad about being home with nothing to do. 

I will say this, however. Going on vacation does make one fully aware of all that life has to offer. It's easy to forget that life is fun. We are blessed to be alive... even in a pandemic. I think I may have forgotten that God has created so much crazy beauty around us. I very much needed this reminder vacation. 

On a side note, if one of you out there is good with photoshop, or whatever the kids are using these days, could you let me know how I can remove this pole from Dan's head? Please and thanks! I may want to frame this pic because of the fun time it represents. 

We took two vehicles because... well just look at the party in the back of the truck here.

We looked online for weeks for a lake house anywhere in driving distance. Everyone had the same idea as us evidently because everything was all booked up. Dan found this one miraculously. The day we left Azusa, it was 102 degrees so we were not sad about heading to the mountains.

I found this double kayak on a neighbor's sidewalk on trash day with a "FREE" sign taped to it one week before we left. It was from God, obviously. How sweet of him to hook that up for us. I grabbed some cheap paddles at Big 5 and we were all set. We had so much fun on this thing. 

And some wonderful friends happened to be staying at their timeshare literally next door to us at the exact same time we were there. So we got to go out on their boat. So awesome.

We had some visitor friends too. This one is pretty much family so we had to have her join.

Dan fished with the kids. No one caught anything but they loved trying. Actually, Winter did catch a dead catfish while we were kayaking. She named it Bob and buried it under some rocks on the shore after she tormented poor Mya with it. 

Waking up to cold temps was nice.

Another practically-family visitor. Addie and Angus are tired of socially distancing themselves from people.

The beauty...

Dan and the kids always eat little chocolate donuts for breakfast on vacation. I think they taste like chocolate plastic so I opt for eggs and toast.

My little ducklings. (If ducks rode bikes)

Sleepy Addie and Winter in her lake chair.

Dan caught these two like this... sleeping like little puppies. 

Night beauty. I loved it when the sky would start to get dark and I could start watching for shooting stars. I saw a few actually. I also learned from our boat driving timeshare friends how to spot satellites. They are like little faint stars that move across the sky and disappear. I spotted several of them which was definitely a highlight of the trip for me. I could stargaze for hours. At home, I can see about 3 stars if I look up at night. I've always lived near big cities so I've always been enamored with a sky full of stars.

I took the kayak out around 7AM the last day we were there so I could have the lake to myself. It was like my own private lake.

Well, not completely private. Some ducks joined me.

It was an awesome time together. I really want to make it an annual thing.

My amazing dog-loving friend Elizabeth is our dog-watcher extraordinaire. She treats them like her own children and I know they do a happy dance when she comes through the door. Twitch had an issue with his paw and she lovingly took care of him. I love the bandaid on his toe. Thanks Elizabeth! You spoil our furbabies.

She brought her puppy too. They are all great friends.

This blog post is brought to you by... Neutrogena kids sunscreen stick! 
(I'm lying. I don't have sponsors)
Okay, this roll-on sunscreen is the best thing we've purchased for summer. We've been using it for years. I've tried all kinds of sunscreen sticks. This is far superior to all the others. And it's clear. And it's the only thing I can use on my face that doesn't make it break out into little angry bumps. I'm slightly allergic to sunscreen. We love this stuff. It's awesome for kids. It keeps the sunscreen out of their eyes because it goes on smooth like chapstick and doesn't run. I highly recommend it.

Happy Saturday Friends! I hope you are able to find little nuggets of fun this week.