Sunday, September 6, 2020

azusa is the new palm springs

As I sit down to write this, it's 115 degrees outside. Doesn't that sound like an exaggeration? Remember when we were in a pandemic and it was only 75 degrees outside and we weren't online schooling our children? I miss those days. 

Heard around the house lately:

Dan: Addie, you have to communicate WITHOUT SCREAMING.
Addie: (Angrily) Well I was born to yell!!

Dan: Angus! Why is there honey on my arm?

Angus: (Crying) Moooom! I was smelling winters butt and she farted in my face!

Angus: Mom, humans with no legs or feet have to roll.

Me: I’ll be done in 20 minutes.
Angus: Ok I’ll just sit here and count.

School started!

Annual 1st day of school neighborhood pic.

This is Mya taking her student ID pic. With no pants on.

Angus is liking school so far even though it's exhausting.

Mya turned 11!

New PJs...

And a new tee.

I told Mya she could stay up late on her birthday. 
Mya: What am I going to do? 
Me: I don't know, watch a show on the kindle or something.
Mya: But I heard being on electronics before bed damages your nighttime sleep. Are you sure that's a good idea?

Her hair is getting crazy long.

Dan and I attended a wedding recently. One of my top 10 favorite small pleasures in life is taking photos in photo booths.

The kids still play dress-up pretty often...

Addie always dresses up as "mixed-up girl."

Angus was mad at Winter so he hid her cage on the very top of the entertainment center. No idea how he was able to do it without killing himself.

As soon as we get back from anywhere, Angus removes his pants. 

Dan told Angus that he's soon going to be the man of the house when dad is away. He's going to grow big and strong and be the protector of his sisters. Angus has taken that and run with it. When the girls freak out when there's a tiny spider in the house, Angus comes over and says, "I'll handle it." And then he squishes it with a shoe. When I comment that there's a spill on the table, Angus says, I'll handle it mom." Then wipes it up. Normally the girls roll their eyes when he reminds them that he's going to be their protector one day, but they appreciate it when he kills spiders for them.

We've been attending church outside. The kids prefer watching the online version on the couch so they can watch the sermon in their underwear and sneak a nap in. We watched online today since it was so hot and Dan is sensitive to heat... He's probably in the wrong profession.

I wasn't really paying attention to how much money they were putting in for offering. Winter brought her wallet so I assumed they gave a few dollars. I received a donation receipt via email for each kid. Winter gave $1.25. Addie gave $1.50. Angus gave a nickel. The email read, "Thank you for your donation. Angus Wagenbrenner: $.05."
He LOVES coins though so it was a big deal for him to part with one. And I'm sure Jesus appreciates his gift.

"Otter loves having her belly rubbed like this mom."

FaceTime conversation. 
James: Angus! Can you come to ma house tomorrow? 
Angus: Okay James. Wanna see my truck? 
That was pretty much the whole conversation repeated about 10 times.

 I've started making the kids do chores when they display unacceptable behavior. Addie and Winter always bank on the fact that I'll forget, as I often do. Angus always reminds me about his though. I made him pick up leaves in the backyard for not responding to his teacher and slumping down in his chair below the screen during his morning zoom. 

Helping with dinner.

It was Winter's turn to go away for the night with mom. Mari's family was away so we headed down to her house by the beach and had some mom & daughter time. It was so lovely. Especially since it was in the hundreds in Azusa. 

I have a few recommendations this week.

Balsamic glaze is something new that I've discovered. Dan bought it for Caprese salad appetizers but I put it on pizza mostly. Trader Joe's has a few different frozen veggie pizzas I like. This just takes them up a giant notch.

This is currently my favorite cheese at TJ's right now. Cheese and cracker plates have become my normal dinner when Dan is working.

This brand of sweet potato fries is excellent. They are pretty close to restaurant quality. You can find them in the freezer section at the grocery store. I get them at Vons.

I bought this book a while ago and am just now starting to read it. I love it. It's a devotional that includes bible verses and paintings. It's just really pretty to look at and always gives me a peaceful feeling when I read it. You can get it on Amazon.

If you're a lady, these are your new favorite PJ's (or uniform if you're like me). If you're a dude you probably just sleep in your boxers. Click here to check them out at They are the most comfy things I've ever worn.

Happy hotter than hades Sunday!

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